Note: Do not use this property to uniquely identify a record!
注意:不要使用该属性来鉴别一个记录的唯一性。 |
Note: Documents have to be notarized and require recognition from the Philippine Embassy.
注意:证明材料需通过公证,并需经菲律宾驻中国使、领馆认证。 |
Note: Domestic survey and research will mainly be undertaken by professors and doctors from China University of Politics and Law, and the expense per capita accounted in RMB is (1) travelling per capita: RMB ¥2,466; (2) lodging per capita per day: RMB ¥49
说明:国内各地调研主要由中国政法大学的教授、博士进行,其人均各项费用按人民币计算分别为:(1)人头差旅费:2466元;(2)每人每天食宿费:493.20元(3)每人每天津贴:411元。 |
Note: Editing the registry can be risky, so be sure to have a verified backup before making any changes.
注意:编辑注册表有风险,所以在改变前请确认有已检验的备份。 |
Note: Editing the registry is risky, so be sure you have a verified backup before saving any changes.
注意:编辑注册表是危险的,所以在保存修改前确认你已经有已核实的备份。 |
Note: Effective 1 July 2003, a copy of the district audit for the previous Rotary year must be received by your RI office before you can be reimbursed for final expenses.
注意:2003年7月1日起,您的国际扶轮办事处一定要收到前年度的地区稽核报告以后,您才可以申报补偿最后的费用。 |
Note: Estimated highway tolls, mandatory insurance premium payments and recycling fee are included here because they can be considered similar to taxes.
注:收费道路费用、强制险及回收再利用费用等与机动车税性质相近,因此一并计算。 |
Note: Events are normally used in combination with functions, and the function will not be executed before the event occurs!
注意:事件通常是用函数来组合使用的,而且在事件发生前函数是不会执行的! |
Note: Exchanges in CN29 are not Y2K compliant. Please handle with extra care.
注意:CN29版的交换机将不支持过渡Y2K,请特别留意。 |
Note: Figures above including some number of non academic rank resource persons.
注:教师职称中包括非教师系列的职称人数,下同。 |
Note: For character lessons, stroke order is shown on sets of supplementary sheets that are not available in electronic format at present.
注意事项:在上识字课时,笔画顺序是被描画在一套辅助的方格纸上的,目前还没有合适的电子形式可用。 |