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Politeness looks well in every man, except an undertaker.

Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman. 彬彬有礼是绅士的本色。
Politeness is like an air cushion: There may be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully. 礼貌就像空气软垫一样:尽管里边什么也没有,但它可以使我们减少颠簸.
Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts. (所谓)礼貌是从多种表达中做出选择的一种艺术。
Politeness is the attribute of a gentleman. 温文有礼是绅士的特质。
Politeness is to do and say the kindest thing in the kindest way. 文雅就是善良地做事,和善地说话。
Politeness looks well in every man, except an undertaker. 殷勤有礼,会使任何人的外表好看,惟有包办殡仪者除外。
Politeness will bridge a lot of difficulties. 待人以礼会帮你跨越不少难关。
Politeness will bridge over many difficulties. 举止文雅会使你渡过许多难关。
Politic participations of the civil is the necessary content in developing socialistic democratic politics. 摘要公民的政治参与是发展社会主义民主政治的应有之意。
Political Economy I explores the major social science paradigms for analyzing relations among state, economy, and society. 政治经济学I探究了主要的社会科学典範,藉以分析国家、经济、与社会之间的关系。
Political Situation: Cuban constitution named Cuba as the first socialist country in Latin Americawith proletarian dictatorship. 政治概况:古巴宪法称古巴为由无产阶级专政领导的“拉丁美洲的第一个社会主义国家”。

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