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Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants, is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs.

Chitin A nitrogen-containing polysaccharide found in the cell walls of most fungi and in some animals. 几丁质:在大多数真菌和一些动物的细胞壁中发现的含氮的多糖。
Chitin has a tight connection with human life. 甲壳素与人类的生命有着密切的关系。
Chitin is a natural polymer that has rich resources, its research and development have been paid much attention to in the world, the dea cetylation product of which-chitosan is widely used for its distinctive physico chemical and biological characteristic 作为一种资源极其丰富的天然高分子化合物,甲壳素的研究与开发受到各国的普遍重视,其经脱乙酰化的产物--壳聚糖因具独特的物化及生物学特性而被广泛应用。
Chitin is a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine. 几丁质是N-乙酰葡糖胺。
Chitin synthase is the important enzyme that converts UDP-GlcNAc to chitin. 摘要几丁质合成酶是生物合成几丁质的关键物质。
Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants, is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs. 几丁质是昆虫表皮和真菌细胞壁的特征成分,由于存在的特殊性而成为农药和医药研发的独特靶标。
Chitin/Chitosan is a natural polymer that has rich resources and wide-ranging uses.Now there are more and more countries and research setup having paid attention to it's exploitation and research.This text analyses and prospects for the new trends in the 描述:作为一种资源丰富、用途广泛的天然高分子化合物,甲壳素/壳聚糖产品的开发研究已引起越来越多的国家和研究机构的重视,本文对该领域研究和发展的新动向进行了分析和展望。
Chitosans with different molecular weight were prepared by degradation with H2O2/HAc or lysozyme. 摘要分别用过氧化氢和溶菌酶降解壳聚糖,制备得到了系列分子量(3.8×10^5,7.8×10^4,4.8×10^4,1.7×10^4,2.3×10^3)的壳聚糖样品。
Chiu, C.H. , I.C. Guo, and L.S. Wu. 2000. Effects of Steroid Hormones on Progesterone Secretion and Apoptosis of Caprine Luteal Cell Line. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 29 [Suppl.]: 178. 费轸尹、邱智贤、陈家真、吴两新、郭应诚。2001。抗牛、猪与山羊之3β羟基类固醇去氢酵素多株抗体的制备。中国畜牧学会会志,30(4):198。
Chiu, H. C. and N. P. Lin, “Service Quality Classification: A Study From the Perspective of Customers' Needs,” 29th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas, November, 1998, 1611-1613. 林能白、丘宏昌,「服务人员人格特质对服务品质绩效之影响。」第四届服务业管理研讨会论文集,政大,台北,民87年3月,页297-318。
Chiu, Su-Fen. 1996. An exploratory study on the effectiveness of labor control in Taiwan. Paper presented at Proceeding of the 14th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Aston University, England. 邱淑芬,1995,「解析劳基法制定与修订之政治过程」,普罗化、劳动法与劳动体制:台湾的劳动研究之二研讨会,中央研究院民族学研究所。

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