Eventually it should be possible to construct a 10-metric-ton liquid-xenon detector, which should be sensitive to the neutralinos even if their interactivity is very low.
总有一天,人们可建造出重达10公吨的液态氙探测器,它的灵敏度将足以侦测中性伴子的存在,即使它们之间的交互作用非常微弱。 |
Eventually it yielded and raised to reveal a dark, hollow chest.
最后它被揭开,露出一个黑乎乎的空柜。 |
Eventually market share strategies will be constrained by the size of the market and the entry of new products.
最终,市场份额战略将受市场规模的大小和新产品的进入所制约。 |
Eventually our fabulous map reading skills got us there, only to be turned down by the owner who refused point blank to give us a room, whether it be because we were foreign, or that there was no space, we did not know, but the reality was that our only h
我们按图索骥找到了那儿,可老板将我们拒之门外,不知是因为我们是外国人还是因为没有房间,这些都不得而知,我们唯一的希望也落空了。 |
Eventually overwhelmed by curiosity, Pandora opened the box and the troubles of the world flew out.
然而潘朵拉克制不住好奇心,终究打开了盒子,世上所有的灾难因而飞出盒外。 |
Eventually people are made to answer for their actions.
人最后会对自己的行为负责。 |
Eventually people realized that the original message was sent on April Fools Dayand that the whole event was nothing but a joke taken too far.
最后,人们认识到这条消息最初是从4月愚人节发出来的,整个事件都不存在,只是一个开大了的玩笑罢了。 |
Eventually replaced by the United States Constitution of 1789, the Articles of Confederation did provide some stability during the Revolutionary War years.
虽然美国宪法在1789年取代了邦联条例,但是该条例在革命期间仍然使美国维持一定程度上的稳定性。 |
Eventually she and the blood elves met up with Malfurion.
最后,他们遇到了玛法里奥。 |
Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites.
最后产生了能够解释或者掩盖这些仪式神秘性的故事。 |
Eventually take all your “outer” clothes off. When you take off each article of clothing, gently toss it in your lover's direction.
要将你“外部”的衣衫全部褪去,每脱完一件衣服,轻轻地把它丢向你的爱人。 |