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Rose is quite mad about Andy.

Rose extract: Helps increase the elasticity and resilience of the skin on the face. Keeps your skin feeling soft and supple. 玫瑰精华:植物精油,具舒缓、滋养、治疗、消毒功效,用于皮肤表面,使皮肤充实而富有弹性,感觉光滑柔软、轻爽。
Rose is a plant with compound leaves. 玫瑰是复叶植物。
Rose is annoyed at his question. 罗斯对他的提问很恼火。
Rose is as well as her brother. 罗斯和她哥哥身体一样棒。
Rose is my aunt's favourite plant. 玫瑰是我的啊姨最喜欢的植物.
Rose is quite mad about Andy. 萝丝相当着迷于安迪。
Rose is rowing a boat and does not know where to go. 萝丝是划一艘船而且不知道该哪里去。
Rose knew that the aim of the successive letters and uncountable roses is to gain her heart. 罗斯明白约翰源源不断的来信,连同无数的玫瑰花,目的是为了赢得她的心。
Rose of Sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her *s. 失掉自己婴儿的沙伦玫瑰用她的乳汁喂养那个快要饿死的男子。
Rose of Sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her breasts. 失掉自己婴儿的沙伦玫瑰用她的乳汁喂养那个快要饿死的男子。
Rose originated from France and mysterious geranium has come a long way to reach you, only for weaving a long lasting tie with you. 原产法国的玫瑰花和神秘的天竺葵不远万里来到你身边,就是为了和你结下不解情缘。

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