In energy-intensive industries, rolled steel production was up year-on-year 26 per cent; alumina 54 per cent and aluminium 43 per cent.
在能源密集型行业,钢材产量较上年同期增长26%;氧化铝和铝材产量分别上升了54%和43%。 |
In engineering school, I was fine.
在工程学校我过得很好。 |
In entering into a contract for loan of money, the lender may require the borrower to provide assurance.
第一百九十八条订立借款合同,贷款人可以要求借款人提供担保。 |
In environment protection and wastewater treatment profession, Ortho provided entire factory automation control systems, water treatment instruments and devices, television supervisory systems and the comprehensive wiring facilities for may wastewater pla
在环保水处理行业,昊图公司为多个10万吨以上污水处理厂提供了全厂自动化控制系统,水处理仪器和仪表,电视监控系统和综合布线设施。 |
In environmental protection, there is a prevailing phenomeon of scarecrow that the objective of administration is becoming more and more bodacious while the environmental organizations are becoming more and more recreant and the government officials get m
摘要在环境保护工作中,普遍存在管理对象胆子越来越大甚至肆无忌惮、环境保护部门胆子越来越小甚至无所作为、地方党政领导不断干预环境执法的现象,我们称之为“稻草人现象”。 |
In essays by Astell and Wollstonecraft and in novels by Hays and Shelley, a character's capacity for self-determination is often closely entwined with or defined by forces beyond that individual's control.
埃斯戴尔和沃尔斯通克拉夫特的散文,黑斯和雪莱的小说,都表现了一个人物主宰命运的能力总是被其无法控制的力量纠缠或限制。 |
In essence .virtual practice is a digital extramundane activity.
究其本质而言,虚拟实践是人的一种数字化的感性超越活动。 |
In essence in terms of political line, this section talked of some revolution; however in practice it assumed a reformistcharacter and moved along in a pseudo-reformist direction.
实质上,这一派在政治路线的术语上谈论一些革命,然而在实践中却表现出改良主义的性质,并沿着假革命-改良主义的方向发展。 |
In essence the first syllables are normally accentuated. Syllables preceded by a hyphen are accentuated as well.
一般来说,单词第一个音节和“-”符号后的第一个音节是重音。“-”用于窄用式变调,其余音节是广用式变调。 |
In essence this is a crackdown on undocumented migrants and criminalizes them.
这个措施是对非法移工的打击和入罪化。 |
In essence, beautiesis the ideal object and symbol of a trinity of ancient men: desire, fame, and aesthetics.
“美人”实质是古代男诗人们爱欲、功名、审美三位一体的理想对象和象徵。 |