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“We now have a seven-point lead over Genoa and have increased the gap between us and Napoli in third.

“We need a few top level purchases,” the No 10 told the Corriere dello Sport newspaper. “球队需要新的面孔,如果我们想在即将开始的意甲联赛成为冠军争夺组里的一个强有力的挑战者的话。”
“We need global data, especially on earthquakes, active faults and geodetic deformation” and “we need a methodical approach and a better strategy for testing hypotheses”. “我们需要全球化的数据,特别对于地震、活动性断层和测地学变形”,以及“我们需要一种系统的方法和试验假说的更好的战略”。
“We need to keep this game in its context. “我们需要保持比赛的连续性。
“We need to strive to do even better so even one life is not lost,” said Dr. Andrew von Esche ach, FDA's acting commi ioner. FDA代理专员安德森·范·艾申巴赫表示:“我们需要更加努力做得更好,以保证不让一个人为此而牺牲。”
“We need to strive to do even better so even one life is not lost,” said Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, FDA's acting commissioner. FDA代理专员安德森·范·艾申巴赫表示:“我们需要更加努力做得更好,以保证不让一个人为此而牺牲。”
“We now have a seven-point lead over Genoa and have increased the gap between us and Napoli in third. “现在我们已经领先热那亚七分,而且我们和第三名的那不勒斯之间的差距也拉大了。
“We only worried about awarding the Scudetto, but I believe that the best decision would have been to leave it unassigned,” said Sandulli. “我们都很关心冠军该怎么判,但是我认为,我们应该不设冠军。”桑杜里说。
“We pay 4000 rupees (93 dollars) for each hectare of crops lost so I don't know who came up with that silly figure,” Parihar said. 「我们付四千卢比(九十三美元)给每公顷受损的农作物,因此我不知道是谁提出那个愚蠢的金额,」帕里哈说。
“We played a few times together in the youth team,” our new left-back recalls. Harper moved to Reading in 2001 with England Under 21 international Sidwell joining him two years later. “我和他们在青年队有过交手。”我们的新晋左后卫言道。哈珀于2001年以英格兰21岁以下代表队球员的身份加盟雷丁,2年后西德威尔也转会至该球队。
“We played with two strikers and I played like a second striker. “我们踢双前锋时我的位置则像是第二前锋。
“We received word about these guns last month. We have since alerted our field personnel to be on the lookout for ‘cell phone guns' at U.S. ports of entry . (货物的)进口港,入境港;美国海关总局的负责人要求海关人员严防这种“手机手枪”在美国登陆。

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