The CI &brand become the most important intangible assets of a company, so a company must strengthen its image-building &brand-operating to achieve his success.
企业形象与品牌是企业经营资源中最为重要的无形资产,加强企业形象塑造与品牌运作是一种十分有效的制胜手段。 |
The CIA contracted the American Institutes for Research for this evaluation.
中央情报局为了这个评估而与美国研究学会定了契约。 |
The CIA had recruited the spy as an assetand used him increasingly after 9/11. A Pakistani Muslim, he had one overriding reason to risk his life.
911以前,中央情报局就已征用了这名特工,但只作为“不动产”备用。911以后,这名特工始得重用。他属巴基斯坦穆斯林人,之所以敢玩命,自有其压倒一切的理由。 |
The CIA says the recently released audiotape of Osama bin Laden is real.
美国中央情报局称最近发布的本拉登的一段录音带是真实的。 |
The CIA, FBI and other agencies are actively working to gain that knowledge,Ridge said.
里奇称,中央情报局、联邦调查局及其他机构正在努力获取情报。 |
The CIA, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA and other government organizations have a full-court press underway to process information they collected on the Asat test, which remained highly classified last week.
中央情报局、国家安全局、国防部情报局、国家航天局及其它政府机构正加紧研判他们收集到的有关反卫星试验的情报,这些情报已在上周被列为高度机密。 |
The CIMA qualification is based on forward looking education, training and work experience in a commercial environment.
CIMA通过商业环境下颇具前瞻性的教育和培训,并结合学员的实际工作经验进行综合评定后方授予会员认证资格。 |
The CIO has a key role to play.
信息长有一个主要角色玩。 |
The CIRC and its local offices shall complete the procedures of alteration within the legal time limit.
中国保监会及其派出机构应当在法定期限内,办理变更手续。 |
The CIRC may order an insurance company to replace its domestic custodian if the domestic custodian violates these Measures seriously.
境内托管人违反本办法情节严重的,中国保监会可以责令保险公司予以更换。 |
The CIRC shall publish the administrative licensing items and the format of administrative licensing application on its official website so as for the applicants to browse and download conveniently.
中国保监会应当在机关网站上,公布行政许可事项以及行政许可申请书的格式文本,方便申请人查询下载。 |