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That is the only weak link in his reasoning.

That is the most famous five-star hotel in the city that you are looking at. 你现在看到的就是这个城市最有名的五星级饭店。
That is the most wicked place in the universe . 那是世界上最最邪恶的地方。
That is the only solution possible. 那是唯一可行的解决办法。
That is the only way that leads to your success . 那是通向你成功的唯一之路。
That is the only way to“own” a word and make it yours forever! Repetition is the mother of learning! 这是“拥有”一个单词并把它变成你永远的财富的惟一途径!重复是学习之母!
That is the only weak link in his reasoning. 那是他推理中唯一的薄弱环节。
That is the pivot of the whole argument. 这是整个论据的关键。
That is the problem if you advertise too much in your site. 所以,如果你在网站上放置太多的广告,你的站点会陷入麻烦之中。
That is the process of creating. 这就是创造的过程.
That is the promise of the multilateral approach. 这也是多边贸易谈判所企盼的前景。
That is the providence,do not complain of anyone. 不要抱怨任何人,这是天意。

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