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Did the press cover JFK Jr. so relentlessly solely because he was the son of a president?

Did the other ones get broken? 其它的魔法石坏掉了吗?
Did the people at large approve of the war? 人们大体上都赞成这场战争吗?
Did the police find any trace of the murderer ? 警方发现凶手的行踪了吗?。
Did the police find any trace of the murderer? 警方找到凶手的行踪了吗?
Did the postman leave any letters for me? 邮差有留下任何信件给我吗?
Did the press cover JFK Jr. so relentlessly solely because he was the son of a president? 媒体连篇累牍地报道小肯尼迪的情况,仅仅因为他是总统的儿子吗?
Did the socket system live up to the designer's expectations? 宝石系统达到设计者最初的期盼了吗?
Did the storm do any harm to the corn? 风暴损害庄稼了没有?
Did the successful developers follow the law? Why? 成功发展的国家和地区遵循这一法则吗?为什么?
Did the teacher confiscate your toy? 老师没收你的玩具了吗?
Did the universe have a beginning? 宇宙有开端么?

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