Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.
此后,我粘对理论固有的连贯性。 |
Thereafter, following more unlucky coincidences, he becomes a wanted man, armed and dangerous.
后来,伴随着更加不幸的巧合,他成了通缉犯,一个持枪的危险人物。 |
Thereafter, he was admitted to the hospital seven more times due to septic arthritis, and underwent debridement, sequestrectomy and right above-knee amputation.
之后,病人陆续因两膝败血性关节炎前后住了七次院,并接受扩创术、人工关节取出术、腐骨切除术、抗生素置入术、及右膝上截肢术等。 |
Thereafter, his linguistic abilities would decrease as he gets older.
年纪越大,掌握语言的能力相对的也越低。 |
Thereafter, more human cells die than those born.
尔后则是死多生少……。 |
Thereafter, the digestion was not really good.
自从那时起,消化便已失常。 |
Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member 12 months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.
此后,对于任何成员国,本公约将于其批准书经登记之日12个月后对其生效。 |
Thereafter, westerners such as missionaries, merchants, travelers, diplomats and Jewish representatives in China have been studying the Jews in Kaifeng for more than 300 hundred years at intervals.
从此之后,西方的入华传教士、商人、旅行家、外交官和西方犹太人代表,陆续对开封犹太人进行了300多年的调查和研究。 |
Thereare even rumours flying around the Italian media that the reason forNedved's reticence to accept the Juventus pay deal lies in an excitingproposal from Inter.
甚至有传言说内德维德拒绝尤文新合同的原因是因为国际的出价。 |
Thereby a new means to denote this sequence expressions using rational can be revealed out.
引入“二步进序数列”,又可重建新三角形与此数列的关系,进而揭示了用有理数式描述该数列的新方法。 |
Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.
其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。 |