The idea of new literature originating from the people is a heavy blow to the aristocratic literature and traditional thought.
胡适提出新文学的来源皆在民间,打击了贵族文学和传统思想。 |
The idea of paying nearly 1,700 dollars to be catapulted up a vertical incline the height of a 45-story building au 130 miles per hour comes naturally to the likes of Jeremy Delong.
付近一千七百美元,只为以时速一百三十英里,弹射到相当于四十五层楼高垂直面上的念头,对于杰洛米.迪隆这种人来说再自然不过了。 |
The idea of setting up an exercise park was welcomed by the residents. It is not required that exercise equipment be installed in every community, but the government encourages it.
业主们非常欢迎设立一处运动场地的主意。大家没有要求每个小区都安装健身器械,但政府极力鼓励安装。 |
The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it looks as if we will just have to live with it, because it is supported by astronomical observations.
这种「分身」的想法,看似荒诞不经又毫无说服力,不过未来我们也许不得不接受这个事实,因为它居然得到了天文观测的支持! |
The idea of such antigen-stripping goes back to the early 1980s, with the discovery of an enzyme in coffee beans that removes B antigens from red blood cells.
早在上世纪80年代期间,科学家就在咖啡豆中发现一种能够脱除红血球B型抗原的酶,并逐步形成抗原脱除的技术思路。 |
The idea of supervised learning is to provide examples for an algorithm to learn from.
所谓的监督式学习就是为算法提供学习的例子。 |
The idea of telecommuting by computer goes back more than thirty years. For awhile, it did not gain as much popularity as its supporters had expected.
利用电脑进行远程办公的理念可以追溯到大约30年前.但当时,它并未达到如其支持者所期望的普及程度. |
The idea of the city gate or entry, the principle of the city pole that facilitates orientation, methods of arranging buildings to maximize human comfort and the fostering of a symbiotic relationship between man and nature are representative of city plann
理想城市规划的很多典型元素其实都起源于中国,例如城门和入口的概念、指引方向的城市极点的设立、人性化的建筑布局、人和自然的和谐共生之观念,这些在世界各地都有所应用。 |
The idea of the game is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board.
这个游戏的目标是要把所有的棋子全走到棋盘的另一边。 |
The idea of the potluck party is that no one family or an institution is burdened with the cost and preparation time of the meal and everyone gets to try something different that usually isn't made in their home.
盛餐会的构想在于餐会在时间和金钱上的花费不必由某家庭或某机构一力承担,而每个人都能品尝到自家平时不做的菜肴。 |
The idea of this paper is that in order to assume an important historical responsibility of rising up Middle China, Wuhan must be innovating it's development strategies on the basis of the important strategic fulcrum theory of middle China, and building c
笔者以为武汉市必须以中部地区重要战略支点理论为指导,密切与武汉城市圈内其他城市的分工协作联系,创新发展战略,并且主动与中部地区其他省会中心城市主要通过贸易手段建立协调发展机制,才能够承担起支撑中部崛起的重要历史使命。 |