In 1994 Hubble began seeing spots brighten in sequence along the central ring: the supernova ejecta smacking into the ring.
1994年哈伯开始观测到中央环上一连串的亮点,这代表超新星的喷出物霹雳啪啦地撞上了环圈。 |
In 1994 Kylie had a lead role in the $40 million dollar epic Streetfighter with Jean Claude Van Damme, and in 1995 she starred in a short film entitled Hayride To Hell shot in Australia for the European Film Festivals.
1994年凯莉与好莱坞著名打星萧恩·克劳德共同主演了投资高达4000万美元的巨片《街头霸王》,次年,她主演的短篇《夜晚狂奔》打入了欧洲电影节。 |
In 1994 President Bill Clinton approved a bill banning assault weapons (covering semi-automatic rifles plus high-capacity magazines for handguns) and the year before that a bill imposing a requirement for background checks.
1994年,克林顿总统批准了一项攻击性武器(包括半自动步枪和大容量手枪弹盒)禁令,而此前一年他还批准了一项要求对枪支拥有人背景进行强制性调查的法案。 |
In 1994 it shrewdly decided to set up a development corporation and remove day-to-day business decisions from the hands of the tribal government.
在1994年他们就非常聪明决定要成立一家发展公司把并且把白天的业务交给部落政府去处理。 |
In 1994 the revolutionary historical relic in the whole country determined the group determined that 2 were first class revolutionary historical relics.
1994年全国革命文物鉴定组鉴定有2件为一级革命文物。 |
In 1994, Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations.
1994年,以色列和梵蒂冈建立了全面外交关系。 |
In 1994, Liuwei made a program for Hangzhong TV station, which was broadcasted by CCTV. He fell in love with TV and embraced the medium from that time.
1994年他为杭州电视台制作了一个节目,在中央电视台播出。从此,刘为与电视结缘并走上荧幕。 |
In 1994, PepsiCo Foods entered in China market.
1994年百事食品进入中国。 |
In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation s three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees.
在1994年,克林顿总统突然地停止对的三十年公开的古巴难民政策。 |
In 1994, a Harvard researcher in computational linguistics complained publicly that Loebner's prize encourages scientists to fake human behavior using cheap tricks instead of trueAI.
1994年,一位哈佛的计算语言学研究员公开抱怨说,罗布纳的奖赛是在鼓励科学家采用糊弄人的把戏来伪造人类行为,而不是采用真正的人工智能。 |
In 1994, a jury in Pensacola, Florida, convicted Paul Hill of murder for the shotgun slayings of an abortion provider and his bodyguard; Hill was sentenced to death.
1994年,一个陪审团在彭萨科拉佛罗里达判处杀害堕胎的散弹枪提供商和他保镖的希尔死刑。 |