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Officers detonated the grenade in a park on Wednesday, police said.

Officer:Excuse me ,miss,Need some help with the phone ? 警官:对不起,小姐.需要帮你打个电话吗?
Officers above that level, known as executive officers, are not eligible to borrow from any affiliate of the Company, except (1) through a Grande Elite MasterCard credit line of $ on terms available to customers or (2) to a bona fide related interest. 主菅以上阶层如执行副总的职位主管不得向公司分支机构借款,除非在与顾客条件相同情况下透过精英万事卡的贷款额度内借贷或以市场上诊诟的利息去借贷。
Officers also raided homes in Madrid and Galicia, arresting five people and seizing 20,000 euros ($26,810) in cash. 警方同时突袭了在马德里和加利西亚省毒贩的老巢,逮捕了5个人,查获了2万欧元的现金。
Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing Dynasty. 清朝官员出行通常乘坐轿子。
Officers arrested the suspect on Feb. 10 and charged him with animal cruelty and a breach of the peace, the spokeswoman said. 员警在二月十日逮捕这名嫌犯,并对他提出虐待动物与妨害安宁的指控,这名女发言人说。
Officers detonated the grenade in a park on Wednesday, police said. 警方称,这枚手榴弹已于周三在一个公园引爆。
Officers discharged from active service may be transferred to the officers reserve if they are qualified to serve in the latter. 军官退出现役时,符合服预备役条件的,转入军官预备役。
Officers ejected more than 150 people. 警察已驱逐了100多人。
Officers from catering management sector of Beijing Business bureau and nutrition and stockbreeding experts from agricultural university were invited to show tasting at a press briefing by KFC China in Beijing on Feb 5. 2月5日中国肯德鸡在北京召开新闻发布会,邀请北京市商务局饮食管理部门领导,农业大学营养专家和畜牧业专家至肯德鸡店做示范性品尝。
Officers had inadequate training in domestic violence. 警员在处理家庭暴力事件方面训练不足。
Officers in charge of lonely islands vary in their acceptance of tropical life: some continue to dress for dinner as if they were still in England; others go native, wear the local clothes and eat the native foods, and generally behave like uncivilized me 管辖各荒凉小岛的军官对热带生活的适应各有不同:有的穿戴整洁进餐,好像还在英国似的,有的土著化了,穿戴当地的衣着,吃当地的饮食,总的来说,行为举止就像未开化的人一样。

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