The creator of foreign currency futures is the International Money Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
外汇期货的创始者是美国芝加哥商品交易所的国际货币市场。 |
The creature could, for example, disintegrate only a target's skeleton, leaving its skull untouched.
举例来说,它可以只解离掉目标身躯的骨骼而保留头骨不受损。 |
The creature or object must appear within the power's range, but it does not have to remain within the range.
该生物或物体必须出现在异能距离内,但是它不必停留在该距离内。 |
The creature was about 20 feet long and lived 78 million years ago.
该恐龙的体长约为20英尺(6.1米)左右,其生活年代则在距今7800万年前。 |
The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning.
14这活物往来奔走,好像电光一闪。 |
The creatures we were sent here to tame are un-tamable.
我们被送到此处来驯服的生物,看来是无法驯服了。 |
The creatures were described as having bony plates on their heads that became burning hot, allowing the animals to bore through ice at high speed.
据介绍,这种生物头部的骨头能变得滚烫,所以可以高速的钻冰。 |
The crecent moon and five stars combination is close but has the foreword, is symbolizing the Singapore people's unity and the cooperation spirit.
新月和五颗星的组合紧密而有序,象征着新加坡人民的团结和互助的精神。 |
The credibility added to the information by auditors actually reduces the decision maker's risk.
实际上,审计师为信息增添的可信性可以降低决策者的风险。 |
The credibility of low inflation has made it far easier for central banks to respond to slowing demand with expansionary policies.
低通胀的可信度,使各国央行得以更轻松地用扩张性政策来应对需求放缓。 |
The credit card joint venture has made an encouraging start, signing up close to 1m customers in the first year of operations.
信用卡合资业务开局喜人,在运营的第一年就签下近100万个客户。 |