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In recent decades, the variety of religious beliefs practiced in America has continued to proliferate .

In recent Years, we acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. 近年来,我们加入了东盟的友好合作条约。
In recent days, bank officials have through speeches and background comments prepared the markets for a possible rise in the overnight call rate from 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent. 近日来,日本央行官员通过台前幕后的演说和言论,让市场为隔夜拆款利率可能从0.25%升至0.5%做好准备。
In recent days,-Beijing has announced several initiatives to try_to_reassert macro-economiccontrol. 最近几天,中国政府已宣布采取几项措施,试图加强对宏观经济的调控。
In recent decades a number of authors have argued that allergen exposure is the major primary cause of asthma and that the global increases in mites allergic asthma prevalence are associated with the increases of exposure to mites-allergens. 摘要抗原暴露作为哮喘病因,是近几十年来许多学者争论的焦点,并提出全球粉螨性哮喘发病率增高归因于粉螨抗原暴露的增加。
In recent decades, people's lives have great changes, but it should be admitted that lack of money is also the biggest problem that students facing with skyrocket of tuition fee and cost of book. 近几十年,尽管人们的生活有了惊人的改变,但必须承认,由于学费和书费日益飞涨,资金短缺仍然是学生们面临的最大问题之一。
In recent decades, the variety of religious beliefs practiced in America has continued to proliferate . 最近几十年,在美国所见到的各种宗教信仰仍继续激增。
In recent few years we have improved teaching methods,teaching contents and teaching means in clinical practice on obstetrics and gynecology in our hospital,and have gotten some better results.This paper has summarized the improvement and results. 我院妇产科近几年在临床实习的教学方法、教学内容和教学手段方面进行改进,取得了一定效果。
In recent months Mugabe has been exhorting Zimbabweans to learn Mandarin and take up Chinese cuisine. 近来几个月里,穆加贝一直在热心的劝告津巴布韦人学普通话,契中国菜。
In recent months the country has been awash with cash. 最近几个月大量资金涌入中国。
In recent months they have been forced to queue for up to one or two hours to fill up as diesel shortages spread across the southeast. 最近几个月,由于柴油荒满布东南,他们不得不排一到二个小时的队来加油。
In recent months, during a shuffle of provincial leadership posts, he managed to ensure that discipline-inspection commissions in the provinces are led by CDIC officials from Beijing, or by anti-corruption officials from other provinces. 最近几个月趁调换省级官员职务之机,他安排省纪委直接由中央纪委或由其他省份委派。

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