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Every Swiss can speak several languages like German, French, Italian and so on.

Every Southern breeze wafted to me the discordant tones of weeping and wailing, shrieks and groans, mingled with prayers and blasphemous curses. 怀着精神的苦痛,我呼喊道:“人们充耳不闻,既无心又无意爲奴隶们祈祷,那末我面向他们陌生的眼光对他们揭露奴隶制的残酷和毒害又有什麽意义呢?
Every Sunday afternoon, mom would send her to the way downhill, seeing off the little girl carrying a big schoolbag bumping on the meandering path. 每个星期天下午,妈妈都会送她到下山的路口,看着小小的人儿背着大大的书包在蜿蜒的山路上一颠一颠。
Every Sunday, my best friend Marilyn and I went to the foundling home behind the hospital. 每星期天,我和最要好的朋友玛里琳都要到医院后面的宝宝之家去参加义务工作。
Every Sunday, we filled a pew at church. 每个周日,我们去教堂做礼拜。
Every Sunday, week in, week out, she writes to her parents. 她每个星期日都给她父母写信.
Every Swiss can speak several languages like German, French, Italian and so on. 每个瑞士人都可以说好几种语言,如德语,法语,意大利语等等。
Every Swiss under 16-year-old should receive compulsory education. 16岁以前每个瑞士人都要接受义务教育。
Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years, the Old Gentleman came there and found Pete on this same bench and then took him toArestaurant and bought himAThanksgiving dinner. 9年来的每个感恩节,老绅士都到这儿来,发现皮特坐在同一张长椅上,就带他到一家饭馆,为他买一顿感恩节饭菜。
Every Thanksgiving I look forward to meeting with my Sister, brother in law, and 2 cousins. They are all Bankers. 每次感恩节,我都会期望和我的姐姐,姐夫和两个堂兄弟见面。他们全部都是银行家。
Every UBCTA member has the right to participate in any of the listed families free of charge and freely post any comments regarding the activities of the group. 每一位会员都享有免费参加任何家族的权力,并且可以自由的针对各家族的活动内容进行讨论。
Every Yankees player in the starting lineup got a hit, with six players getting two or more. 每个洋基队的先发选手都有安打,有六名选手打出两支或两支以上的安打。

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