您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 英汉双语句子大全 >> 的意思
We are now on the Jinshanling Great Wall in Hebei Province.

We are now living in the 21st century. 我们现在生活在21世纪。
We are now lodging a claim with you. 我们现在向贵方提出索赔。
We are now looking for high caliber candidates to join our team in Shanghai. 我们真诚希望富有开拓精神和工作热情的各类人才加入我们的团队。
We are now looking for high calibre individuals with the right talent and attitude to join us. 我们本着公开、公平、公正和择优录用的原则诚征优秀人才加盟。
We are now looking for several suitable vessels for transporting coal for a long partnership. We are the consignee and have 20000 to 30000 metric ton coal each month. 我司现需要寻找多艘长期合作的煤船。我司为货主,每月煤炭运输量约为2至3万吨。
We are now on the Jinshanling Great Wall in Hebei Province. 那我们现在是在河北金山岭长城。
We are now out of sight of neighbors. 我们现在不会被邻居看见了。
We are now realizing the importance of environment protection. 现在我意识到了环保的重要性。
We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can su ly at once from stock. 现随函奉送本公司正在生产的、并有现货供应的最新型号的产品清单和价目表。
We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can supply at once from stock. 现随函奉送本公司正在生产的、并有现货供应的最新型号的产品清单和价目表。
We are now servants of God. We cannot serve two masters. We must determine whom we serve and give God full and total service. If we do that we will hear the words of Jesus, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. 我们现在是神的奴仆,不能事奉两个主子。我们必须明确自己服事的是谁,把全心的服事献给神。我们这样做的话,就能听到耶稣的话语,“好,你这良善又忠心的仆人”。

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