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In regard to the development of ideology per Se, it can be seen the ideology of the Yin-yang &Five-element School originates from the thought conceived in Yijing.

In regard to negligence, think of duty broadly as an obligation to protect the safety of others. 在论及过失时,应当视责任为广义的保护他人安全的义务.
In regard to nonlinear stochastic optimization in which the restraint function was nonlinearly expressed with stochastic parameters, the advanced first-order second-moment method was employed to study the structural optimization numerical model based on c 摘要针对约束函数被随机参数非线性表达的随机非线性优化问题,采用改进均值一次二阶矩法,研究基于元件可靠度或各失效模式可靠度的结构优化的数学模型,以及将随机优化问题化为确定性优化问题的方法。
In regard to process monitoring layer in industrial control network, the software monitoring mode and the programming of monitoring workstation are discussed. 对工业控制网络中的过程监控层的软件监控模式、监控工作站的编程进行了论述,并给出了过程监控的实际运行效果。
In regard to product technology, we have imported the EO rigid pipe ferrule technology and No-Skive hose clamping technology so as to ensure the technical requirements of reliability and no leakage for the fluid circuit. 在产品技术上我们引进EO硬管卡套技术和无需剥胶的软管扣压技术,确保液压系统管路的可靠性、无泄漏的技术要求。
In regard to teaching method, we have not yet discussed it. 关于教学方法,我们还没有讨论。
In regard to the development of ideology per Se, it can be seen the ideology of the Yin-yang &Five-element School originates from the thought conceived in Yijing. 摘要若从思想自身的发展来看,阴阳五行家与《易经》有着重要的渊源关系。
In regard to the domestic violence being committed, the victim shall have the right to make a request, the neighborhood or villager committee shall dissuade the wrongdoer, and the public security organ shall stop the violence. 对正在实施的家庭暴力,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会应当予以劝阻;公安机关应当予以制止。
In regard to these problems,the UNEP suggests a new strategy of ecotourism. 联合国环境规划署委员会针对这些问题,提出了发展“发展旅游”的新策略。
In regard to transportation, bicycles developed into motorcycles, which developed into automobiles. 交通工具则是由单车进化为机车,再进化为汽车。
In regard to your request, no decision has been make. (关于你的请求还没有做出决定。)
In regards the transports you will be able to use the transportation network in game and we will also put an Event-TP for your convenience. 您可以通过游戏中的通讯网络进行交流,为了您的方便,我们也将放入一个终端事务处理器。

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