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According the customer OTS timing requirement, manage the customer technique input, drawing design, raw part purchase, OTS sample making, test plan, etc , create BOM.

According should terrain, wind direction and other conditions leading layout, so as not to affect the process requirements. 还应根据地形、主导风向等情况布置,以免影响工艺的要求。
According the Law of Labour, bosses can't fire workers at will any longer. 根据劳动法,老板们再也不可以任意解雇工人了。
According the above objectives, the topics of the course include the history of color, the notation systems of color, the color psychology, and the use of color. 为达上述目标,本课程之主要上课内容有:了解色彩的由来、色彩的体系、色彩心理学、配色与色彩的应用等;并透过实作练习,帮助学生将理论应用于实务中。
According the application and invalidations of the piston, the study of the piston material and the modern configuration design character also including the cooling capacity were illuminated concentratedly for improving the piston durability and life. 本文根据中重型发动机活塞的使用状况及失效模式,介绍了活塞材料的研究现状、结构设计特点及活塞的冷却技术等,研究提高活塞可靠性和寿命的途径。
According the character the story was originally told to his ancestor Solon, by a priest during Solon's visit to Egypt. 依照这个人物,这个故事最初是在他的祖先梭伦访问埃及期间,一位祭司告诉了梭伦。
According the customer OTS timing requirement, manage the customer technique input, drawing design, raw part purchase, OTS sample making, test plan, etc , create BOM. 3根据客户OTS交样时间对客户输入,图纸设计,原料采购,OTS样品试制,试验计划等环节进行管理,建立BOM。
According the data issued by the Korea Auto Manufacture Association (KAMA), in the first half of 2005,export to China totals 1.204 billion, increasing 41.6% than that of 2003. 根据由韩国汽车制造商协会(KAMA)公布的数据显示,汽车零部件出口向中国在2005年上半年共计到12.04亿美元,比2003年同期增长41.6%。
According the product development and improvement request, make out the performance, emission technique and organize person to actualize it. 根据产品开发、改进项目要求制定性能、排放试验技术方案并组织实施。
According the result of LISREL: brand elements have no significant influence to brand image; brand elements have a significant influence to brand personality; endorser have significant influences to brand image and brand personality; brand image and brand 以LISREL验证变数间之因果关联性,结果显示:1.品牌要素对于品牌形象的形成并无显著的影响;2.品牌要素对于品牌个性的形成有显著影响;3.品牌代言人对于品牌形象及品牌个性的形成有显著影响;4.品牌形象及品牌个性对于品牌态度的形成有显著影响;5.高价格的产品将会强化品牌形象、品牌个性正向影响品牌态度的关系。
According the tenet of quality,it builds a warm and comfort-able home for you,builds a service and sales flat for land agent and decorater with extract technices,ideal quality,reasonable price and perfect service. 惠群木业敢为人先,它用独具匠心的设计与世界一流的品质完美结合,保证了惠群产品的一流品质。
According therefore as this produce, or what is purchased with it, bears a greater or smaller proportion to the number of those who are to consume it, the nation will be better or worse supplied with all the necessaries and conveniences for which it has o 这类产物或用这类产物从外国购进来的物品,对消费者人数,或是有着大的比例,或是有着小的比例,所以一国国民所需要的一切必需品和便利品供给情况的好坏,视这一比例的大小而定。

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