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Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.

Inflation, now running at over 1,700%, is the highest in the world and is expected to worsen. 目前通货膨胀率已超过了百分之一千七百,是全世界最高的,而且还有可能恶化。
Inflationary pressure has abated and, as Mr Bernanke argued, the economy has seemed to shrug off the housing market. 目前看来经济确实并未受到房市降温的负面影响,正如他当时所断言的那样。
Inflationary pressures sent the cost of living to a new high. 通货膨胀的压力使生活费用到一个新高。
Inflexibility of thigh muscles that support the knee joint. 僵化的大腿肌肉,支持膝关节.
Inflict not on an enemy every injury in your power, for he may afterwards become your friend. 对于可能成为朋友的人,下手需留有余地。
Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion. 拷打;酷刑作为惩罚或压制手段而施用的肉体上刑罚
Inflorescence an axillary heads; flowers bisexual, petals 5, white, ribbon-like, 1.5 cm long; stamens 5, filaments very short, anthers ovoid, with 2 pollen sac opening each by 2 vertical valves, connectives exserted; staminodes 5, bifid. 头状花序腋生,花两性,花瓣5,白色,带状,长1.5厘米;雄蕊5,花丝极短,花药卵形,具2个各2瓣裂的花粉囊,药隔突出;退化雄蕊5,叉状分裂。
Inflorescence paniculate, rachis tawny tomentose; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence. 花序圆锥状;花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。
Inflorescence terminal, racemose-umbellate,4-6-flowered;corolla funnel-campanulate, 4.5 cm long, pink, 5-lobed, lobes rounded emarginated; stamens 10-12, 2-3 cm long, filaments sparsely tomentose on lower half; ovary stellate-tomentose, style 5 cm, with a 伞形花序式总状,花序有花4-6朵;花冠漏斗状钟形,长4.5厘米,粉红色,裂片顶端微缺;雄蕊10-12,长2-3厘米,花丝下半部被微柔毛;子房被星状毛,花柱长5厘米,基部有腺体。
Inflorescence umbelliform, in axillary clusters near apex of branches, with 2-3(-4)-flowered; pedicel 1-2.5 cm long; corolla funnel-form, 4 cm long, white, sometimes pinkish, 5-lobed; stamens 10;style 5.5 cm long, slightly longer than stamens. 伞形花序生于近枝生叶腋,通常有花2-3(-4)朵;花梗长1-2.5厘米;花冠漏斗状锺形,长达4厘米,白色,偶带粉红色,5裂;雄蕊10;花柱长5.5厘米,稍长于雄蕊。
Inflorescences cymose, 15-20 cm long, glabrous. 聚伞花序长15-20厘米,无毛。

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