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In this particular case, there were osteomas of the skull, a periampullary adenocarcinoma, and epidermal inclusion cysts.

In this papery we discussed the the extremum of function of several variables, and generalized the result of paper [2], Then we give the method of solving the extrme value of n-component function using first class partial derivative. 摘要讨论了多元函数极值的问题,推广了文献[2]的结果,并给出了利用一阶偏导数求多元函数极值的方法。
In this paper, static load experiments are illustrated and the reliability of CFRP reinforcement technology, used for reinforcing beam slab structure of large span bridge, is discussed. 文章结合对大跨度桥梁的梁板结构加固处理前后的静载试验,探讨了大跨度梁板结构应用粘贴碳纤维加固处理技术的可靠性。
In this paper,the feature of structure and the principle of preparation of porous glass is reviewed,and the characteristics and prospect of porous glass as new packing mcdium of liquid chromatography is reviewed also. 本文综述了一种新型载体材料多孔玻璃的结构特点和制备原理,及其作为液相色谱新填充介质的良好特性和应用前景。
In this paragraph can be found an answer. 在这段里能找到答案。
In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book. 这一段里面有很多名词,例如男孩、女孩和书本。
In this particular case, there were osteomas of the skull, a periampullary adenocarcinoma, and epidermal inclusion cysts. 在这个特殊的病例中,有颅骨骨瘤,壶腹周围的腺癌和表皮囊肿。
In this particular situation, the metaphor breaks down very quickly, but we keep the name anyhow. 在这种特殊情况下,隐含意思已经迅速的消失了,但是这个名字还是保留了下来。
In this particular tin-pot venture he'd sunk half the sum left him by his father. 他把父亲留给他的钱半数投放在这种低级的冒险事业上。
In this passage we seem to know that the west fell behind the east those days. 从本文中我似乎知道了在那些日子西方落后于东方。
In this passage, the writer explains to us the matter of how to make sense out of science. 本文作者向我们说明了如何理解科学这一问题。
In this period P loss occupied 60%of total loss in a year. (3) Factors affecting the temporal distribution are rainfall and farming activities (plowing, weeding , fertilizing, planting ). (3)影响红壤坡地磷流失时间分布特征的因素主要为降雨和农事活动。

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