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The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.

The conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their 是指保育生态系和自然生境以及维持和恢复物种在其自然环境中有生存力的族群;对于驯化和栽培物种而言,是指它们在其中发展出其明显特性的环境之保育。
The conservationists have the upper hand, since the approval of three-quarters of the members is needed to overturn the whaling ban. 自然资源保护派占据上风,因为需要全部成员中四分之三的同意,禁捕令才可以被推翻。
The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation. 自然资源保护论者对这项立法不会做出善意的反应。
The conservative candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has won the French presidential elections defeating Segolene Royal of the Socialist party by a comfortable margin. 保守党候选人尼古拉丝?萨科奇以相当的优势击败了社会党人塞格琳?罗雅尔,赢得了法国总统选举。
The conservative detectives have made themselves both qualitatively and quantitatively destructive and sensitive for positive perspective respectively. 这群保密的侦探把他们自己变成不论是在量上还是在质上都既敏感又具破坏力,这是为了他们各自的前景考虑。
The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory. 保守的人在天文台的保留。
The conservative minister is an avowed nationalist and has called Japan a one-race nation. 这位保守派外相是一位坚定的民族主义者,曾称日本为“单一民族国家”。
The conservative wing of the Republican Party sees immigration as “a way of creating a divided community and distracting people from the real challenges facing the country, whether it is in Iraq and Afghanistan, or homeland security, or how to build a cle 共和党保守派认为移民造成社会分裂和并将转嫁人民对国家真正面对的挑战的关注.这些包括伊拉克和阿富汗问题,国家安全问题,未来洁净能源和如何解决健康危机,以及如何为美国创造新的就业机会.
The conservatory was an afterthought, added on to the building several years later. 那暖房是事后想法,在那栋建筑物几年之后增加的。
The consignee being an applicant has the goods released to him regardless of whether he has paid the Issuing Bank. 作为申请人的收货人得到交货,不管它是否付款给开证行。
The consignee shall pay the custodial fees when the time is overdue. 超过规定时间提货时,应向承运人交付保管费。

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