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You get 12 skill quick slots per layer. A lot of slots, this is great for mage classes.

You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit. 12你将生命和慈爱赐给我,你也眷顾保全我的心灵。
You gave me too much of the paper. 你给我的纸张太多了。
You gave them this land you had sworn to give their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey. 22将这地赐给他们,就是你向他们列祖起誓应许赐给他们流奶与蜜之地。
You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night. 昨天晚上你给我们开了多大的一个玩笑哪。
You get (a) 10% commission on everything you sell. 你可从售出的每种货物中得到10%佣金.
You get 12 skill quick slots per layer. A lot of slots, this is great for mage classes. 每一层有12个快捷技能栏。很多的快捷栏,这对法师职业非常重要。
You get a passing grade on the test if the hackers give up and move on to an easier target whose grasp of these concepts is insufficient. 如果那些黑客放弃了攻击或者转向其他更容易攻击的对象,那么你就通过了考试。
You get a post-dated check two months after completing a job and still thank your employer. 工作完成之后两个月才收到过期的支票,却还是感谢老板。
You get a seat in the stadium to watch the Chinese football team and the game is lost again. How do you face it? 你有机会去奥运现场观看中国队足球比赛,如果看到中国足球又输了,你会是怎样的表现?
You get a small avatar next to your group members names. 在你的队员名字旁边有你的小头像。(???)
You get admission for the year—and much more—when you apply the cost of today's admission towards membership at Mystic Seaport. 支付完会费后您即可享受全年免费游览神秘海港的优惠,而且还会有更多惊喜在等着您。

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