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We have not enough food to eat because of the drought.

We have no vast mountain ranges ,no illimitable plains ,no leagues of forest ,and are deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these things. 这儿没有崇山峻岭,没有一望无际的平原,也没有广袤的森林,因而无从领略这些景物是何等壮观。
We have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future.All we can do is use the information at hand to make the best decission possible. 存在即合理!每个人都有每个人生活、做事的方式,如果你不愿意参加,大可以置之不理,也无须这样恶语相向吧?!:!(:!(:!
We have nobody on hand to repair your car. 我们在场没有人能修你的车。
We have none in stock now. 我们现货中没有此商品。
We have not crushed the joy to the utmost to wring from it the wine of pain. 我们没有把喜乐压成微尘来榨取痛苦之酒。
We have not enough food to eat because of the drought. 因为旱灾,我们没有足够的食物可吃。
We have not found a substitute for him yet. 我们还没有找到一个代替他的人.
We have not found a substitute for him. 我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。
We have not gotten the report yet. 我们现在还没有收到报告.
We have not had any more news from the frontier. 我们还没有得到来自前方的进一步消息。
We have not lost our identity in working with the United Nations to eradicate polio. 我们并没有因为与联合国合作根除小儿痲痹而使自己的身分模糊。

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