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It was further classified as Pseudomonas putida S by S rDNA alignment.
进一步对该菌采用S rDNA进行系统发育学鉴定,最终确定为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida S)。

It was found that quanti ty of H_(except in the air)、HF、HCI and CO_ increased with dose,and H_ content was highest at a dose of 00kGY in air. 在空气气氛中剂量达到00kGy 时产生的 H_的量为最大,剂量再增加时逐渐减小;
It was found that the effect didn't changed largely with H_O_ on the range of mg/L to 0 mg/L, and inactivation effects on Cyclops of O_ /H_O_ were not sensitive to pH value, while it declined obviously as the organic content increased. 试验中发现HO投量在~0mg/L之间效果无较大变化,有机物含量对灭蚤影响较大,pH值的影响则较小.
It was found that there mainly existed three solid phases during dehydration of ulexite: ) NaCa[B_ O_ (OH)_ ]· H_ O was formed as a result of losing the first two water molecules coordinated with Na; HO相,与钠硼解石结构研究结果对比,脱水分子是与钠硼解石分子中钠配位; 70~00℃,进一步脱失个水形成较为稳定的NaCa[BO(OH)].
It was found that,when the water temperature ranged from 0 ℃ to ℃,the embryonic development from oosperm to mature glochidia took days. 果表明:在水温0℃- ℃时,受精卵发育为膜内钩介幼虫需 d;
It was found to be abnormal that the congruent anglo is more than degrees, the double center anglo is more than degrees and the suleus angle is more than 7 degrees. 认为沟角大于7°,合适角超过+°或双中心角大于+7°可定为异常。
It was further classified as Pseudomonas putida S by S rDNA alignment. 进一步对该菌采用S rDNA进行系统发育学鉴定,最终确定为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida S)。
It was introduced to the Chinese community in Batavia with the Chinese immigration to Southeast Asia and adopted as a legal method in Batavia's tribunal in 8 and 9 centuries. 随着中国移民移居东南亚,这种风俗也随之传入印尼巴达维亚华人社会,成为8、9世纪当地华人社会处理纠纷的一种法律手段。
It was lower in the NGF experimental group and citicoline natrium drug control group after treatment than that in saline control group [ (0. ±0.0), (.0±0.), (.±0. 8) points, (t=0.8 and 7., P < 0.0)]. 治疗后神经生长因子实验组和胞磷胆碱钠药物对照组均低于生理盐水对照组[(0. ±0.0),(.0±0.),(.±0. 8)分,t=0.8,7.,P<0.0]。
It was mainly tertian malaria, 98.7%(89/8), and farciparum malaria cases and 9 unidentified cases. The malaria cases were mostly imported from Hainan province. 疟疾以间日疟为主占98.7%(89/8),输入恶性疟 例,未分型9例,输入病例以海南为主。
It was noticeable that there were many labelled cells in the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis(OVLT)in group CGL, and typical labelled cells in the ependyma of third ventricle near the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus in group CGM. 值得注意的CGL组在终板血管器观察到相当丰富的标记细胞,CGM组在邻近弓状核的室管膜内见相当典型的标记细胞。
It was observed that the structures of the alveoli appeared pertly atrophy, except that the activities of SDH decrcased and LDH increased. 果表明:实验性糖尿病小鼠颌下腺的腺泡出现部分萎缩,核固缩的现象,此外,SDH活性下降,LDH活性呈增强趋势。

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