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The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor.

The distributor look with favor on your sample shipment. 您发来的样货得到了经销商们的赞许。
The distributor shall write the code of distributor on the box of “Distributor Code” and appose the official seal to them when he sells the products. 在产品销售时,请经销商在“经销商编码”下的方框内填写经销商编码,并加盖公章。
The distributors then have to raise their prices to the grocery stores. 之后,那些分销商跟著向杂货店提高价格。
The district PR chair will forward, accordingly so we can accurately record the RI world public image exposure for President Stenhammar during 2005-06. 地区公关委员会主委会把资料转交给我们,方便我们为施当恒社长精确统计2005-06年度的国际扶轮全球公共形象曝光率。
The district allocate pipeline pure water, can look at system of talkbacking. 小区配备管道纯净水,可视对讲系统。
The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor. 地方检查官起诉不履行债务的债务人。
The district government shall subsidize the enterprises that have set up postdoctoral research institutions in the lump sum of RMB100,000,and each postdoctoral researcher with the R&D funt and living subsidy amounting to RMB30,000 every year in consecutiv 企业设立博士后工作站(点)的,区政府一次性支持10万元,另对每位进站博士后连续2年每年给予3万元研究开发经费和生活津贴(进入信息技术产品制造企业博士后工作站的加至每年10万元).
The district governor is in a unique position to sustain Rotary International's success by fostering success at the club level. 而地区总监是处于一种很特别的立场来促进扶轮社阶层的成功。
The district increased punishments for miss behavior (misbehavior). 全区增加了对于过错(不良)行为的惩罚。
The district is home to scores of dives, cafés, strip clubs, casinos and after-hours clubs catering to foreigners and to Japanese who like to hang out with them. 在这个衰落的文明中,六本木是一个霓虹闪烁的游乐场,是经济快速增长时那些日本的尼禄们寻欢作乐之所,是一个工薪族与俄罗斯脱衣舞娘调情的地方。
The district is inaccessible (by the car) in winter. 该地区在冬天(车子)无法接近。

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