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The soul puts life into each atom, and each atom is a reflection in flesh of the soul's pattern.

The soul ca ot live without love. 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。
The soul is immortal. 灵魂不灭.
The soul is not carried away by outward things, so that it cannot make all necessary reflections; neither does it make those continual references to self, that a jealous sense of its own excellence multiplies to infinity. 我们的灵魂不因过多注意外界事物而无法作必要的内省;我们也并不时刻考虑自己,使维护自己美德的戒备心理无限膨胀。
The soul of a text is its intention. 汉译:文本的灵魂在于它的意图。
The soul of the modern mutual fund codes is to ensure the rights of shareholders. 摘要保护基金持有人权益乃现代基金法制之灵魂。
The soul puts life into each atom, and each atom is a reflection in flesh of the soul's pattern. 灵魂将生命放入每一个原子,每一个原子都是灵魂模式的一个肉身反映。
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. 灵魂不只在一条道上走,也不是芦草似地生长。
The soul was the greatest thing that was made; it had free will. 灵魂是最伟大的创造物;它具有自由意志。
The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. 人没有想象力,犹如天文台没有望远镜.
The soulknife can make a sneak attack with a thrown mind-blade (within 30 feet) and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as imbedding a power in it). 魂刃者可以用投掷念刃的方法偷袭(30呎以内),念刃上也可附带有其他特殊效果(比如埋入异能)。
The soulknife may take Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (if of the appropriate class), or Weapon Finesse in conjunction with the mind-blade. 魂刃者可以对念刃应用“专攻武器”、“武器专精”(通过适当的职业)或“武器娴熟”专长。

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