In summoning the boy from a distance, the father was obliged to lift up his voice.
为了把儿子从远处叫回来,父亲不得不提高嗓子喊。 |
In sunbaked southern Italy, fires raged as parched forests and fields turned to tinder.
太阳炙烤下的意大利南部,大火蔓延,被晒干了的树林和田地都成了天然的燃料。 |
In support of International Polar Year,theWED themeselectedfor 2007focuses on the effects thatclimatechangeishaving on polar ecosystems and communities,and the ensuing consequences aroundtheworld.
此主题作为对2007国际极地年的支持,重点集中在气候变化对极地生态系统和社会的影响以及随之接踵而至的对全球造成的各种后果。 |
In support of our claim, we are sending you a survey report issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau.
为了说明我方索赔理由,现寄上商检局的检验报告。 |
In support of this idea, later analysis of the sediment at Wageningen University in the Netherlands proved that many of the brown sand grains were indeed fragments of the dark-colored schists and other rocks that began washing away as the newborn Andes ro
荷兰瓦荷宁罕大学后来对于沉积物的分析,证实了许多棕色沙粒确实是深色片岩及其他岩石的碎屑,这些应该是新生成的安地斯山隆起时冲刷下来的。 |
In supportive polarity, one party's strength is the other party's weakness, and visa versa.
在支持性的极化中,一方的强处是另一方的弱处,反过来也如此。 |
In surface high grinding, adapts mesh point high accuracy big area printing.
回答5.表面中高磨削,适应网点高精度大面积印刷. |
In surprising results, a study of more than 1,200 patients with extremely low or high blood pressure by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine showed that the influence of genes on blood pressure may vary based on
加州大学圣地亚哥医学分校研究者对超过1200名严重低血压或高血压的患者进行研究后发现一个有趣的结果:基因对血压的影响会因为性别的不同而不同。 |
In surveys and interviews that the China Market Research Group (CMR) conducted with Chinese youth between the ages of 18 and 28 in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, more than 80% said they were willing to buy items online and over 70% said they would use
CMR在上海、北京、广州的18到28岁年轻人做的调查和面谈显示,超过80%的受访者表示愿意在网上购物,超过70%的受访者如果可以的话愿意使用信用卡。 |
In swan lore, when two young swans pair, they swim to a secluded spot, touch forming a heart and become mated for life.
有关天鹅的传说说到,当两只天鹅恋爱时,他们会游到一个鲜为人知的地方,互相接触以培养感情,最后结为终身伴侣。 |
In switching tactics from proletarian dictatorship to a union of all groups, Mao was certainly closer to the February Revolution in Russia or even in some respects to the French Revolution or a Cromwellian peasant war than to the October Revolution.
毛泽东把无产阶级专政的策略改为联合各集团的策略,与其说这像俄国十月革命,不如说更接近于俄国二月革命,甚至可以说在某些方面更接近于法国大革命和克伦威尔的农民战争。 |