If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop. |
中文意思: 如果钱不迅速交出,这些暴徒就会立即捣毁他们的商店而使他们无法营业。 |
If the micron of polybag is 38 micron or higher, then no need for warning or air holes.
是不是说:要是胶袋的厚度是38微米或者更厚的话,就不用警告性语标或者打孔了! |
If the mixture is to lean, the rpm's will start to speed up 2,000, 2,100, 2,200, 2,300. Richen up the low end.
稀油:引擎转速会慢慢上升后熄火请顺时针转副油针。 |
If the mixture is to rich, the rpm's will start to slow down 2,000 1,900,1,800,1,700. Lean the low end.
富油:引擎转速会慢慢下降而熄火请逆时针转副油针。 |
If the money is remitted to the individual, the remittee can take his valid ID card to the appointed local ICBC service outlet to draw the money.
汇给个人名下的,由收款人持有效身份证件到指定工商银行营业网点办理取款手续。 |
If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.
如果交款不及时,歹徒们就会很快捣毁他的商店,让他破产. |
If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.
如果钱不迅速交出,这些暴徒就会立即捣毁他们的商店而使他们无法营业。 |
If the money was to pay for English troops to defend America from continuing attacks by French-inspired Indians on the frontier, why were all the troops stationed in coastal cities.
殖民地的人却有不同的想法,原因是:如果钱是付给英国军队在前线抵挡法国唆使的印地安人之连续攻击的话,为何所有的英军都驻扎在沿海的城市? |
If the monitor alarm sounds:
如监视器报警: |
If the monitor is opened while installing and given too much force, it may cause a malfunction.
在安装时如果监视器打开且用力过度,可能发生故障。 |
If the moon were, for instance, over the site of Miami, there would be a tidal bulge there and also on near the west coast of Australia.
例如,假如月亮在迈阿密测点的上空,那里就会出现海潮的隆升,而在澳大利亚西海岸附近的海面也会出现隆升。 |
If the mortgage registration or pledge registration in industrial and commercial, real estate, land, vehicle, vessel, equipment and other personal property, share equity, trademark right and patent registration as involved in guarantee business carried ou
(十一)担保机构开展担保业务中涉及工商、房产、土地、车辆、船舶、设备和其他动产、股权、商标专用权、专利权等抵押物登记和出质登记,凡符合要求的,登记部门要按照《中华人民共和国担保法》的规定为其办理相关登记手续。 |