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Enjoyment of vigorous health and physical drives. 动物特性对强健的身体及活跃的身体机能的享受
Enjoys satisfactory every one day. 美美享受每一天。
Enjoys the cosmetology at the same time, you may have a section the time which is disturbed by anything, the experience do not relax, the joyful feeling, the spirit glows are you, fully confident? 享受美容的同时,你可以拥有一段不被任何事情打扰的时间,体验放松,愉悦的感觉,精神焕发的你,是不是信心百倍呢?
Enjoys the study to be joyful! 去享受学习的快乐吧!
Enlarge Urban will endanger wild of animal. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
Enlarge your views by reading. 读书以长见识.
Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul. 如果没有相应的精神世界的发展,物质财富的增长就意味着危险的增加。
Enlargement occurs naturally with age, and might be accompanied by cancerous change. 前列腺会随着年龄增大,也会癌变。
Enlargement of the heart. 心肥大心脏的扩大
Enlarges or reduces rings in seconds,and will not scratch mar metal. 数秒内可扩大或缩小戒指,不弄花或损坏金属。
Enlarging section and sticking carbon fibre sheet methods are used to reinforce and repair the frames, poles, girder and board of the concrete structure in the coal transfer station. 摘要分别采用加大截面法和粘贴碳纤维布法对某氮肥厂煤炭转运站混凝土结构的框架柱和梁、板进行了加固修复。

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