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You can find these new settings under Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Network | Network Connections.

You can find the sentence on the eleventh page in the book. 你可以在本书第11页上找到这个句子。
You can find the spirit of craftsman in villas nowhere but in tiny area. 别墅的工匠精神,不在别处,只是细微中润泽衍生。
You can find the thousand culture of Europe in those furniture, even a little change of a leafs lines in the decoration, is showing the changing of their culture, these furniture past a long time of variational taste test, and now become the standard. 在那些古董色泽温润透明的包浆之中,凝聚了西方上千年的文化积淀;即便是装饰中每一片莴叶纹的改变,也展示着文明的传承过程,这些欧式家具通过了诸多世纪不断变化的审美考验,也因之成为经典。
You can find the times of your trains in this timetable. 你可在这一时刻表上找到你的火车时刻。
You can find them through the State Department Web site for international students. 你能在国家国际留学生部网站找到他们。
You can find these new settings under Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | Network | Network Connections. 您可以在计算机配置-->管理模板-->网络-->网络连接里找到这些新设置。
You can find this glue at Pearl Arts in Central Square; it's not found in the Coop. 你可以在中央广场的珍珠美术商店找到这种胶水,库柏商店没有。
You can find this psalm in the Bible . 你可以在圣经上找到这篇赞美诗。
You can find this psalm in the Bible. 你可以在圣经上找到这篇赞美诗。
You can find this sentence in the Holy Bible. 你可以在圣经上找到这句话。
You can find what you need easily if you search in the OPAC. 如果您在联机目录中查找的话,您会很容易地找到您要的资料。

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