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“Who is the Right Wing for sing poem here? I am looking him to work.

“Whither away so early, Little Red-Cap? “一大早儿你这是上哪儿啊?”
“Who are you?” I asked, struggling, meanwhile, to disengage myself. “你是谁?”我问,同时拼命想把手挣脱。
“Who can I check with who will get back to me in enough time? “我能和谁商量?谁会在足够的时间内回到我的身边?”
“Who is it?”a passenger asks the captain. “那是谁啊?”一位乘客问船长。
“Who is more greedy,”Avanty said unhurriedly,“There were no skins left around him.He swallowed the whole water-melons with nothing left! “看谁更贪婪,”阿凡提不慌不忙地说,“他身边没留下皮,他一点不留地把整个西瓜吞下!”
“Who is the Right Wing for sing poem here? I am looking him to work. “嘻嘻!你们这达儿谁是唱诗歌的‘右派’?找他干活去。”
“Who says green is pretty and yellow is not? All colors are equally handsome. “谁说绿色漂亮黄色就不漂亮了?所有的色彩都同样漂亮。”
“Who should be invited to attend a district seminar? 「应该邀请谁出席研讨会?」
“Who the hell are you?” he demanded angrily. “你到底是谁?”他怒气冲冲地问道。
“Who was he? Your brother… “ asked the Inquisitor. “你的哥哥...他是谁?”检察官问道。
“Who's That Sitting at My Desk? 谁坐在我的位子上?

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