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Even if they move or release Lucas, with Mutombo's signing imminent and second-round pick Carl Landry's expected (nothing new on the negotiations impasse), the Rockets would have 19 players Oct. 1.

Even if they are in absolute agony, I always find it very interesting. 即使他们陷入完全地痛苦,我还是觉得这很有意思。
Even if they are not aware of it, your visitors will be greatly influenced in their decision to keep browsing your site or to leave it because of the poor choosing of colors and other visual displayed elements. 即使他们并不在乎这个,但是,网站色彩的搭配仍然会很大地影响你的访问者是否决定继续浏览你的网站,或者,由于你选择的颜色或其他可视化元素的搭配太糟糕,从而导致他们离开你的网站。
Even if they are very poor, the peasants share what they have. 即使他们非常贫穷,农民还是和别人分亨他们的东西。
Even if they escape from destruction, Egypt will gather them, and Memphis will bury them. 6看哪,他们逃避灾难,埃及人必收殓他们的尸首,摩弗人必葬埋他们的骸骨。
Even if they heard it (briefly) they'd attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc. 甚至如果他们听到它(简短的)他们将把它归因与另一种在人群中的声音等。
Even if they move or release Lucas, with Mutombo's signing imminent and second-round pick Carl Landry's expected (nothing new on the negotiations impasse), the Rockets would have 19 players Oct. 1. 即使火箭送走卢卡斯,但随着即将签约的木桶伯和第二轮新秀卡尔-兰德里的加入(火箭和兰德里的谈判还在僵持中),火箭将拥有19人。
Even if they rear children, I will bereave them of every one. Woe to them when I turn away from them! 12纵然养大儿女,我却必使他们丧子,甚至不留一个。我离弃他们,他们就有祸了。
Even if they refuse to play the game, they may be unwittingly infringing someone else's patents because there are so many more of them around. 即使他们不想参与专利游戏,他们可能会无意中侵害了他人的专利权,因为他们周围专利已是多如牛毛。
Even if they succeed in buying Chinese companies, private equity groups could find it hard to achieve the return on their initial outlay their investors expect. 就算私人股本集团收购中国企业成功了,也可能会发现他们的初期支出很难取得投资者期望的回报。
Even if they were afraid that Chiang might take away some liberties they had won during a painful guerrilla struggle, would it not have been better for them to give up their chimerical loyalty and take their chances with the generalissimo, instead of comm 如果他们背弃虚幻的盟谊而归顺蒋介石,固然还得担心蒋介石会剥夺他们在艰苦的抗日游击战争中所赢得的那一部分自由权利,但岂不亦胜于跟着共产党去自杀?
Even if this effort ultimately fails, the bad blood produced by the dispute could make reconciliation with the PAN problematic. 即使努力最终失败,在争论中产生的仇恨也会给国家行动党的调解造成麻烦。

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