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No, I never smoke a cigarette.

No, I heard from my friends in UC Berkeley that people have to be UC resident to qualify for low tuition. 没听说过,住哪儿就是哪儿的居民呗。就象有的家长买不起好学区的房子,孩子上高中的时候在好学区租三年房子,孩子一样上好的公立学校。
No, I just came to chat. 不,我只是来聊天的。
No, I just feel cramped and painful. 不,我只是觉得逼仄和痛苦
No, I like sunny days and snowy days . 不,我喜欢晴天和下雪天.
No, I mean your mother. We should be asking your mother what to do. I think I'd go down to that newspaper office right now and ask her. 不,我是说你妈。我们得问问你妈该做什么。我想我该马上去一下那儿的报馆问问她。
No, I never smoke a cigarette. 不,我从不抽烟。
No, I oughtn't to accept the offer. 不,我不该接受这个提议。
No, I think I'm just going to stick around and maybe catch a movie or something. 不,我想我就待在这附近,可能去赶场电影或是什么的。
No, I think not. Rather too vegetarian. It must be murder - red-blooded murder - with trimmings, of course. 不,都太小儿科了。一定得是谋杀,血淋淋的谋杀,不过要做得干净利落。
No, I want to play badminton. 不,我想打羽毛球。
No, I want to sit here and watch the sunset. It's so pretty. You run get my shawl. Please, Mammy ,and I'll sit here till Pa comes home. “不,我想坐在这儿看夕阳。它是那么美丽。请你快为我取来披肩。妈咪,我将坐在这儿,直到爸爸回来。”

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