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“I have read about his trip here, but I haven't seen him,” maintained Secco.

“I have learned that any fool can write a bad ad,but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one. 我慢慢懂得,即使呆子也能写个烂广告;但是,要弄出点好东西,就真需要个天才。
“I have made many mistakes in my career,” said the Nerazzurri boss, “but I must make decisions for the good of the team. “我曾犯过很多错误(晕,居然有脸说的,佩服~~~),但我必须为球队着想。
“I have never stated Russia is an energy superpower but we have more reserves than almost anybody else. “我从未说过俄罗斯是一个能源超级大国,但与几乎所有其它国家相比,我们拥有更多储量。
“I have no doubts on this issue, he is very important for us,” said Deschamps to the Press on Thursday. “我在这一个问题上没有任何疑惑,他对我们来说至关重要,”德尚在星期四对新闻媒体说。
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat” (Winston S. Churchill). “我一无长物,除了鲜血、辛劳、泪水和汗水”(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)。
“I have read about his trip here, but I haven't seen him,” maintained Secco. “我读到新闻说他来这儿旅游,但我还没有见到他,”塞科辩护。
“I have read your articles, I expected to meet an older man. 我读过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。
“I have seen you bags all around the fairground of the Big 5 show, so I came to your booth to tell you how much I like this sourcing platform and how much this website has helped me find new suppliers. “我看到展会上到处是阿里巴巴的橙色手袋,就到你们摊位上来,告诉你们我有多么爱这个平台以及它如何帮助我找到新的供应商。
“I have signed a confidentiality clause,” revealed agent Carlo Piazzola, “and cannot say anything more. “我已经签署里一份令人振奋的条款,但现在只能告诉你们这么多。”
“I have spoken with the players concerned today and I have been very pleased with their reaction and am confident my relationship with them has not been damaged in any way. “我也已经跟队员就此事谈过了,对他们的反应我感到很满意,我确信没有因为这件事而破坏我和队员们之间的感情。”
“I have ten dollars. Will anyone go higher?”called the auctioneer. After more silence, the auctioneer said, “Going once, going twice, gone.” The gavel fell. “10美元,有人出更高的价吗?”拍卖人喊道。又是一段沉默过后,拍卖人说:“10元一次,10元两次,成交。”木槌敲下。

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