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The master Sekotan shipbuilders grew their vessels organically.

The mast assem-bly supports the rotary drill head and its hoisting mechanism. 支架组件支持转动钻头及其提升机构。
The mast is raised to the working position by a pair of hydraulic cylinders, and is locked in the vertical drilling position by two hydraulically actuated mast anchor pins. 支架通过一对液压缸提升到工作高度,并通过两个液压启动的锚定销锁定在垂直钻进位置。
The mast was bent during the storm. 桅杆在风暴中变弯了.
The mast went by the board in the storm. 那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
The master - the guru - embodies the crystallization of the blessings of all buddhas,masters,and enlightened beings. 上师是诸佛、上师和觉悟者三者加持力的结晶。
The master Sekotan shipbuilders grew their vessels organically. 赛寇特造船高手将这种船从地里种出来。
The master again replied that this was good but it would be better if he was practicing the Dharma. 上师再次说:“这很好,但是如果你能够修法就更好了。”
The master budget sets specific targets for sales, production, distribution, and financing activities, and it generally culminates in a projected statement of net income and a projected state-ment of cash position. 总预算为企业的销售、生产、分配和财务活动确定具体的目标,并最终完成一个预算损益表和预算现金状况表。
The master document includes all kinds of templates, and various templates can be used to derive different documents. 摘要主文档是各种模板的总称,利用不同的模板可以派生出不同类型的文档。
The master is like a great ship for beings to cross the perilous ocean of existence,an unerring captain who guides them to the dry land of liberation,a rain that extinguishes the fire of the passions,a bright sun and moon that dispel the darkness of ignor 上师就像一艘负载众生横渡生死苦海的大船;一个领导众生到达解脱之地的伟大船长;一场浇息欲望之火的大雨;有如照彻黑暗无明的日月之光;如同承载善恶力量的坚实大地;一棵含藏短暂快乐无无穷喜悦的如意树;一座埋藏广大精深教法的宝藏;一颗让人觉悟的如意珠宝;一位平等付出爱给所有有情众生的父母亲;一条慈悲的大河;一座超越世俗,不被无明之风摇撼的高山;一片充满雨水可以舒缓众生痛苦的云层。
The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51重重地处治他,(或作把他腰斩了)定他和假冒为善的人同罪。在那里必要哀哭切齿了。

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