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From the points of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the writer has analyzed the characteristics of the stratum of intellectuals, studied the objective law of the united front, pointed out the shortcomings, social status and functions of

From the point of view of potential applications, the position of gold in nanotechnology, including nanoelectronics, nanoparticle catalysis and applications in medicine was reviewed. 从应用的角度出发,对金的纳米技术中的地位,包括纳米电子学、纳米粒子的催化和在生物医学中的作用进行了评价。
From the point of view of structure, integrative practical activity course is an integrated curriculum, an experience curriculum as well as a required course. 从结构类型来看,综合实践活动课是综合课程、是经验课程或体验课程也是必修课程。
From the point of view that college education is a quasi public productionand university is a third-departmentorganization, the author analyses some fallacies in the process of the reform and clarifies some problems and negation influences. 从高等教育“准公共产品”属性与高等学校的“第三部门”组织性质的角度,剖析了目前高等学校实施国库集中收付制度改革过程中存在的几个认识误区,阐述了在高等学校全面实施国库集中收付制度存在的问题及其产生的负面效应。
From the point of view that is opposite to metaphysics, what prevented him from publishing his works? 从“形而下”的角度,阻碍他发表作品的原因到底有哪些?
From the point view of the Holy Bible, the writer of the paper reads the image of Jesus Christ from Santiago's story. 对这个人物从圣经的角度进行解读,笔者认为这一人物的描写被赋予了很多圣经中受难耶稣的形象。
From the points of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the writer has analyzed the characteristics of the stratum of intellectuals, studied the objective law of the united front, pointed out the shortcomings, social status and functions of 摘要本文从辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的观点出发,分析中国知识分子阶层的特性,研究统一战线的客观规律,探讨新时期中国知识分子应克服的弊端及应有的社会地位和功能,指出中国知识分子的统一战线工作应更好地为新时期党的中心任务和目标服务。
From the position we had, although we saw the incident, it looked fairly innocuous and not too bad. 从我们的位置看过去,虽然我们看见了事情的经过,当那看上去还不算什么,也不严重。
From the power of Sheol I will ransom them; From death I will redeem them. 14我必救赎他们脱离阴间的权势,救赎他们脱离死亡。
From the practical results, the protection potentials and protection current densities meet the design requirements and are in accord with technical standards. 从实际运行的结果看,罐底板的保护电位都达到了设计要求和标准规定,保护电位分布相当均匀。
From the practice of the theory of system vicissitude as well as our country's judicial reform, we should advance the reform on the whole and do the essential partial experiment. 从制度变迁理论以及我国的司法改革实残来看,我国的司法改革必须走整体推进以及必要的局部试点之路。
From the preliminary analysis of the main body material structure and the salt-forming environment in the undersand lake, the author considered that the major salt-forming fashion showed the complex salt-forming formation, It proveded scientific basis to 通过对其主体物质结构和成盐环境的初步分析,认为其主要成盐方式呈现为复式成盐建造系统,为在我国广大的内陆盆地寻找同一类型的地下卤水矿产资源提供了科学依据,具有理论意义和经济价值。

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