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Direct Determination of Lauric Acid by GC

Dimorphic seeds typically differ in the presence/absence of dispersal structures (e.g., pappus, trichomes). 二形性种子可分为有扩散结构和没有扩散结构(如冠毛和表皮毛状体)两种。
Dioctyl digomeric glycol-intermediate product of Gemini surfactant was prepared by reaction of ethylene glycol with octyl glycide ether in the presence of potassium as catalyst. 以乙二醇和辛基缩水甘油醚为原料,金属钾为催化剂合成双子表面活性剂的中间体———二辛基低聚二醇.
Dioptry before surgery was from +. to +.D. 术前屈光度(+.~+.)D。
Diosmin(Ⅳ); 香叶木苷 (Ⅳ ) ;
Dipolaelaps ubsunaris Zemskaya et Piontkovskaya, 90, Hirstionyssus citelli Huang, 990; 乌苏地厉螨 Dipolaelapsubsunaris Zemskaya et Piontkovskaya,9 0 ; 黄鼠赫刺螨 H irstionyssus citelli Huang,990 ;
Direct Determination of Lauric Acid by GC 气相色谱法直接测定月桂酸
Direct Strength Method for the Design of Cold-Formed Lipped Channel Members 冷弯薄壁型钢构件的直接强度设计法
Direct simulation of Monte Carlo(DSMC) of rarefied gas flow in Crookes radiometer 热辐射计内稀薄气体流动的蒙特卡罗模拟
Directed toward pressure signals time varying and nonlinear feature,pressure signals wavelet transform reflected frequency varying feature of saltant point. 小波变换能针对气体压力信号的时变和非线性特征,充分反映出发动机气缸压力信号突变点附近的频变特性。
Directed Rooted Tree Structure of the Set of Perfect Matchings of Plane Bipartite Graphs and Its Generation 平面二部图的完美匹配集合上的有向根树结构及其生成
Directional Evolution of Enzymes in Vitro (Ⅰ) Technique for Generating Mutator Libraries and Its New Progress 酶体外定向进化(Ⅰ) 突变基因文库构建技术及其新进展

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