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Aet me see what I have.we can offer you rooms on the fifteenth floor.They are quiet rooms at the back of the building,facing north.

Aesthetics thinking of musician Ji Kang, Weijin Dynasty, and many other aesthetics thought that piano playing is a perfect artistic display of spiritualism uniform of emotion and sensibility, and there is delicate relationship between performance and sens 摘要魏晋哲学家嵇康的美学思想“声无哀乐论”和其他多种美学思想认为,钢琴演奏是情绪与情感达到灵性统一的艺术化体现,音乐表演和情感表现之间具有微妙的关系。
Aesthetics – Is the look and feel satisfactory? 外观:是否看起来感觉满意?
Aesthetics, team work and to live with the nature, is all cast into the Black Hole. 美感与团队工作与跟自然的生息,都被送入了黑洞。
Aesthics authority is depriving noumenon of aesthetic confidence. 美学权威正把审美信心从审美主体那里夺走。
Aet me check for you. 让我替你查一查。
Aet me see what I have.we can offer you rooms on the fifteenth floor.They are quiet rooms at the back of the building,facing north. 让我看一下是否有您要得房间,您要得房间在15层.面朝北,在建筑物的背面很安静.
Aetioporphyrin product the proportion dye cream and fast bleaching powder praxis,able satisfaction to differ the solicit,and can return the natural pigment of shallow hair;The fabrication differ the fashion hues the effect,amalgamation can anticipate the 配合染膏、漂粉使用能满足不同染浅要求,可拉浅头发天然色素;制造不同的迷人时尚色彩和效果,并可防止染剂过烈反应,有助色泽更准确更持久;同时将着色剂导入着色配方中以提供保护和护理,可使染后发质保持健康。
Af first no one moved.Then Ruthven said,‘Your Majesty,send David Riccio out of this room,now!I want him! 起初,谁也没动。然后鲁斯温说道,“陛下,把达维·里奇奥从这房间里赶出去,马上!我要他!”
Af if you expect me to believe that story! 好像你指望我相信那个故事似的!
Af-Sarrnf M,Fehfnme M,Giri PG,et al.Chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy in patients with advanced nasopharyngeal cancer:phase Ⅲrandomize of intergroup study 0099[J].J Clin Oncol,1998,16:1310. 张宜勤,魏宝清.20年来鼻咽癌放射治疗疗效全面提高的原因分析[J].中华放射肿瘤学杂志,1999,8(2):73-76.
Afeeling of accomplishment comes with a job offer. 完成任务的感觉来自录用通知。

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