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After explaining the chiasma and infiltration between the technology of “Man-Computer Exchange”and other subjects, he briefly introduced the most influential events and fruits of its development.

After experiment time after time ,I finaly found the right way. 经过反复试验,我终于找到了正确的方法。
After experimentally measuring and marking, this instrument's precision reaches 0.5 arcsec, which better satisfies the requirement-normally 2 arcsec the parallel precision of optical system testing. 经检测标定后平行度测试仪的精度可达到0.5,能够很好的满足检测平行度为创的光学系统的检测。
After experimenting again and again,I found an correct method. 经过反复试验,我终于找到了正确的方法。
After experimenting time and again,I found at last the right method. 经过反复试验,我终于找到了正确的方法。
After expiration of the agreement, two parties can further discuss the renewal of the cooperation. 合作期满,双方可另行协商继续合作事宜。
After explaining the chiasma and infiltration between the technology of “Man-Computer Exchange”and other subjects, he briefly introduced the most influential events and fruits of its development. 在仔细讲解了“人机交互”技术作为一门学科与其他学科例如多媒体技术,认知心理学,人机工程学等的交叉渗透后,他简要介绍了“人机交互”发展历程中最有影响的事件和成果。
After expounding the connotation of the ecological environment of the regional finance, the paper simply analyzes the finance from the visual angle of ecology and puts forward the countermeasures to optimize the ecological environment of the regional fina 在阐析了区域金融生态环境的内涵之后,从生态视角对金融问题进行简单分析,给出了对其进行优化的对策措施,即:地方政府应发挥主导作用,加强对优化区域金融生态环境的领导;金融机构应发挥主体作用,担当优化区域金融生态环境的主力军;企业应充分认识优化区域金融生态环境对自身发展的益处,积极主动地参与;强化法治工作,为区域金融生态环境创造良好的法制氛围;全面推进区域信用体系建设,夯实区域金融生态环境的信用基础;建立区域金融生态环境评价指标体系。
After expounding the power supply and current collection modes of the rolling stock in Shanghai UMT Pearl Line in terms of technology and economy, the author argues that two current collection modes shall be adopted for Shanghai UMT Pearl Line, i.e. a thi 摘要阐述了城市轨道交通车辆供电受流方式的特点,并从技术和经济两方面对上海明珠线车辆供电受流方式进行了探讨,提出了明珠线车辆应采用双受流方式,即高架桥上采用接触轨受流器受电,地面采用架空接触网受电弓受电。
After expressing consternation about their payroll for weeks, the Yanks may wind up trading Randy Johnson, then spending the very $16 million that was targeted for Johnson on Barry Zito for 2007, plus $16 million a year for five more years after that. 在连续几周表示对于薪资总额的惊慌失措之后,洋基可能最后会把老怪交易出去,然后把原本要付给老怪的那个1600万美元花在2007年的鸡头身上,再加上往后5年每年1600万美元。
After extensive investigation excluding systemic or endocrine causes, we diagnosed it as a complete form of pachydermoperiostosis . 在彻底排除潜在性疾病及内分泌问题后,我们诊断此病例为完全型厚皮性骨膜病。
After eying me up and down, the father challenged me: Tell me, young man, are your intentions toward our daughter honorable or dishonorable? 把我上下打量了一遍,她父亲质问我:“告诉我,你对我女儿的意图是不是光明磊落的?”

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