In 2004, facing changeable management complexion, with opening up market, Strengthening management, the CSR Meishan rolling stock company made the truck staple big and powerful, fostered new economy growth point actively, Promoted enterprise's management
2004年,中国南车集团公司眉山车辆厂面对复杂多变的经营形势,通过外拓市场,内强管理,做大做强货车主业,积极培育新的经济增长点,不断提升企业管理水平,全年实现销售收入8.2亿元,净利润700余万元,净资产收益率2.5%。 |
In 2004, he performed with the Basle Philharmonic Orchestra during a concert tour in China.
2004年,他随巴塞尔交响乐团在中国进行巡演。 |
In 2004, he was invited to be the juror of China Gold-bell Prize on Music National Piano Competition, the 2nd National Children and Youth Piano Competition, and National Professional Academy Piano Invitational Tournament.
2004年应邀担任了“中国音乐金钟奖”全国钢琴比赛、第二届全国青少年钢琴比赛、全国艺术职业院校钢琴教学邀请赛的评审委员。 |
In 2004, it is expected that the Company will have a total permanent workforce of 80 persons (including foreign expatriate personnel).
预计公司在2004年在职员工的总数将为80人(包括外籍人员)。 |
In 2004, more than one in three teachers said they had seriously considered leaving their profession or knew a colleague who had left because of intolerablestudent behavior.
2004年,超过三分之一的老师承认他们曾认真地考虑过转行,或者听说过有同事因为学生的行为“无法忍受”而离职。 |
In 2004, nearly 20,000 people died from accidental drug poisonings.
2004年,大概2万病例死于药物中毒。 |
In 2004, only one third of British graduates secured employment that was befitting their qualifications.
2004年,仅有三分之一的英国毕业生找到了专业对口的工作。 |
In 2004, our Company was the recipient of a RMB18 billion capital injection.
于2004年,本银行获得注资人民币180亿元。 |
In 2004, the Abbot's Residence and VIP House were built beside the Great Master Hall, which are of Tibetan style.
二○○四年于大师殿两侧新建方丈楼、贵宾楼两幢,皆藏式风格。 |
In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration required strong warnings on the labels of antidepressant drugs alerting parents and doctors of a possible suicide risk in some children.
在2004年,国家食品药品监督管理局要求在康抑郁剂商标上郑重提醒父母和医生防止一些儿童因此产生的自杀危机。 |
In 2004, the Zhuhai municipal government injected another 135 million Yuan RMB into the building of a high level, high standard and high quality senior department.
2004年市政府再次投入1.35亿元,建成了高规格、高质量、高标准的实验中学高中部。 |