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Although we are unable to flatten our ears and lunge at or nip to reprimand this behavior, we can instead use stern vocal commands and a dominant stance with the addition of firm handling or, if necessory, a pitch to the skin to mimic a nip.

Although vertical axis wind turbines have existed for centuries, they are not as common as their horizontal counterparts. 尽管垂直轴涡轮机已经存在几个世纪,但是并不如水平轴涡轮那么通用。
Although very little of Brazil's sugar cane is grown in the Amazon region, expanding the crop could put pressure on the rainforest nonetheless, by pushing ranching and soyabean farming farther into the interior. 虽说巴西在亚马逊河流域种植的甘蔗很少,但扩大耕作面积仍然会给雨林生态增添压力,因为农场的经营和大豆的耕种被迫向雨林内部深入。
Although very rich in his youth, he is now as poor as a church mouse. 虽然年轻时很有钱,他现在穷得像教堂的老鼠。
Although we adore his work today, van Gogh was not successful while he was alive. 尽管我们今天崇拜凡·高的画,但他在世时并不成功。
Although we are not presence in Shanghai now, but it does mean that APP puree products will not be sold in China. 虽然我们现在不在上海,可是这并不表明APP的纸浆产品将不会在中国市场出售.
Although we are unable to flatten our ears and lunge at or nip to reprimand this behavior, we can instead use stern vocal commands and a dominant stance with the addition of firm handling or, if necessory, a pitch to the skin to mimic a nip. 尽管我们不能背起我们的耳朵,冲过去或者用咬来谴责这种行为,我们可以用严格的口令和支配的态度附加坚决的操纵或者,如果有必要,扎一下皮来模仿用嘴咬。
Although we both lie close together,We feel miles apart inside. 就算我们紧紧相邻,但却做着不同的梦。
Although we can't see it, there is air all around. 尽管我们看不见空气,可它却无处不在。
Although we cannot be by your side physically, but our thoughts and hearts will be with you, as you toughen your wings to reach the sky, to realize your dreams. 虽然我们家长不能时时在你们身边,但我们的心永远都牵挂着你们,我们一定会在精神和物质上继续支持你们,直到你们练就坚实的翅膀展翅高飞,去实现你们人生的梦想!
Although we chose to discuss them individually and sequentially, in practice they are quite tightly linked. 虽然我们选择了独立有序的方式来讨论它们,但是在实践中,他们是紧密的相互联系的。
Although we concede that one who love traveling has an strong opinion for such a long period, however, as for me, this is not to say I support this point. (例子)虽然长期以来我都承认热衷旅行的人持着一个有力的观点,然而就个人而言,我并不是说支持该论点。

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