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The beautiful floors are imported from France, and the front door was brought over from Guatemala,says Sheftel.

The band! the speckled band!whispered Holmes. “带子!斑点带子!”福尔摩斯低声说。
The basic message of Christianity -- love your brother -- is obscured under torrents of blood to the point of benumbing the audience. 基督教的基本信息--热爱你的兄弟,在使观众变得麻木的血液洪流中,已经变得很模糊了。
The basic target of improving and accelerating the macroeconomic control will ensure the rapid and stable developments of the GDP. 加强和改善宏观经济调控的基本目标是保证GDP的快速和稳定的发展.在这点上我们必须认真贯彻实施中央政府各项方针政策。
The basic target of improving and accelerating the microeconomic control will ensure the rapid and stable developments of the GDP. 加强和改善宏观经济的控制基本目标是确保GDP的快速而坚固的发展.在这点上我们必须谨慎地履行中央政府的全部方针政策.
The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. 启17:8你所看见的兽、先前有、如今没有.将要从无底坑里上来、又要归于沉沦。
The beautiful floors are imported from France, and the front door was brought over from Guatemala,says Sheftel. “漂亮的地板装饰品是从法国进口的,正门的材料是来自危地马拉。”夏福特尔这么说。
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart , the place where love resides. 女人的漂亮必须从她的眼睛中去看,因为那是她心灵的窗户和爱居住的地方。”
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart and the place where love resides. 女人的漂亮必须从她的眼睛中去看,因为那是她心灵的窗户和爱居住的地方。
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart is the place where love resides. 你看,女人的漂亮不是因为她穿的衣服,她保持的体型或者她梳头的方式.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. “女人的美丽必须要从她的眼睛中去看,因为那是她心灵的窗口,爱居住的地方。”
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes,every one, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. “你看,女人的漂亮不是因为她穿的衣服,她保持的体型或者她梳头的方式。”

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