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Mr. Du Zhenxiang, the general manager of Xinhai Fiberglass Products Co., Ltd., would like to become your partner.

Mr. Drake: Almost twenty years. We were the first total PR services company of our kind in California. 快二十年了。我们当初是加州第一家专门做公关服务的公司。
Mr. Drake: Not long actually. So I'm sure I will learn a lot from our cooperation. 其实不是很久。所以我觉得在这次的合作中,我会获益良多。
Mr. Drake: That's right. We are their sole PR sector business. 没错。我们是他们唯一的公关部门。
Mr. Drake: We're glad to be able to offer our services to your business, Mrs. Wayne. 伟恩女士,我们也很高兴能为贵公司提供服务。
Mr. Drake: Well, yes, but now we have six offices in California alone. 嗯,对,不过我们现在光是在加州就有六个办公室。
Mr. Du Zhenxiang, the general manager of Xinhai Fiberglass Products Co., Ltd., would like to become your partner. 武强鑫海玻纤制品有限公司总经理杜振祥,竭诚做您事业的合作伙伴。
Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. “杜弗兰先生,描述一下你妻子被谋杀的那天晚上,你与她的争执。”
Mr. Eisenhower preceded Mr. Kennedy as president of the United States. 艾森豪威尔任总统在肯尼迪之前。
Mr. Elton returned to the village with a hastily wooed and wedded bride, a lady of small fortune, extremely bad manners, and great pretensions to elegance. 埃尔顿先生重返海伯利村,带回一个仓促求爱成婚的新娘。这位妇人小有资产,极其粗俗,却偏偏矫揉造作,自命高雅。
Mr. Fan, Mr. Reap, metal magnesium, chloride, tar, Guigai, building materials, ferro alloys, and metal, retail, sales, general cargo transport. 焦粉,焦粒,金属镁,硅铁,焦油,硅钙,建材,铁合金,五金机电,百货,销售,普通货物运输。
Mr. Feng had many friends when he was in a purple patch but now that he has gone bankrupt,he finds himself alone and friendless. 在顺境的日子里冯先生朋友很多,现在一旦破产,他发觉自己一个朋友也没有,非常孤独。

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