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She sent to say that she was safe and well.

She sent me the present by parcel post. 她用邮包把礼物寄给了我。
She sent money year after year to help the poor. 她年年送钱帮助穷人.
She sent out three hundred invitations. 她发出300张请帖。
She sent the letter via airmail. 她经由航空邮寄寄这封信。
She sent them a present to show her gratitude. 她送给他们一件礼物来表示她的感激之情.
She sent to say that she was safe and well. 她送来消息说她安然无恙.
She served 18 days in prison in Italy in 1982 for tax evasion. 逃税。这似乎是每个明星都少不了的,连索菲亚·罗兰都不可避免。
She served a flavorous stew to her friends. 她招待朋友香喷喷的炖肉。
She served as an Assistant Majority Leader of the House Republican Caucus and as Chair of the House Transportation Finance Committee. 她是州众议院共和党核心党团多数党领袖,交通财政委员会主席。
She served me a cup of coffee. 她给我端上一杯咖啡。
She served on the Boston Mayor's Wireless Task Force, and the Governor-elect's Transportation Transition Working Committee. 她曾任波士顿市长的无线技术工作顾问,及州长的交通运输工作委员会顾问。

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