Among them, HANSINaseptic package licensing patented technology products for the company's products. has won a National Science and Technology Exposition award. is a growing prosperity at home and abroad to meet the needs of the development of intensive p
其中“HANSIN”牌无菌包装袋系列产品为我公司专利技术产品,曾荣获国家科技发明博览会一等奖,是一种适应国内外日益兴旺的农副产品深加工发展的需要而研发的高科技新型包装材料。 |
Among them, transit goodsare those passing through the territory by land, transshipment goodsare those only changing the means of transport at a place having a Customs office and without passing through the territory by land, and through goodsare those ca
其中,通过境内陆路运输的,称“过境货物”;在境内设立海关的地点换装运输工具,而不通过境内陆路运输的,称“转运货物”;由船舶、航空器载运进境并由原装运输工具载运出境的,称“通运货物”。 |
Among them, 10 patients had sudden deafness, and the rest included endolymphatic hydrops in 5; perilymph fistula in 2; mumps deafness in 2 and otitis media with effusion in 2.
结果:10名病童属突发性耳聋,约占同时期186名突发性耳聋病人的5%。 |
Among them, 2,3,7,8 tetra-dioxin has been called the poison of the centurybecause it is the strongest hepatocarcinogen.
其中2,3,7,8-四氯戴奥辛甚至在已开发国家中被称作『世纪之毒』。 |
Among them, 55 patients were with stones, 11 with tumors, and 2 with inflammatory stenosis.
其中结石55例,肿瘤11例,炎性狭窄2例。 |
Among them, 6 farms have been approved by CITES for the captive breeding and trading of Dragon fish.
其中六个农场被CITES批准可以交易人工繁殖的龙鱼。 |
Among them, Domestic Transition and Foreign Relations: Russia since 1992 was awarded the first grade prize of the Third Session of Outstanding Achievements in National Higher Education by the Ministry of Education of China.
已出版学术著作多部,其中2部为独著,5部为主编或第一作者,2部为合著,其中《制度变迁与对外关系——1992年以来的俄罗斯》获教育部第三届全国高校优秀成果一等奖。 |
Among them, cut in half the number of people living on less than one dollar a day and (halt) the spread of AIDS and malaria.
其中,包括日生活费不到一美元的人减少一半,阻止AIDS和疟疾的蔓延。 |
Among them, cutting in half the number of people liveliving on less than one dollar a day and halt the spread of AIDS and malaria.
包括:减少一半那些每天少于一美元的人口数量,阻止艾滋病和疟疾的蔓延。 |
Among them, enterprises with foreign investment of a productive nature scheduled to operate for a period of not less than ten years shall, from the first year of beginning to make a profit, be exempted from income tax in the first and second years and all
其中生产性外商投资企业,经营期在十年以上的,从获利年度起,第一年和第二年免征企业所得税,第三年至第五年减半征收企业所得税。 |
Among them, integrated circuit, computer software and mobile telecom terminals rank the first in China in terms of R&D capability, industry scale and technology level.
其中,集成电路、软件、移动通信终端产品的生产规模、技术水平和设计开发能力居全国领先地位。 |