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America's military planners worry that China is using cyberspace not just for espionage but to prepare a future hot war, say over Taiwan.

America's labor force changed markedly during the 1990s. 90年代美国劳动者的状况发生了显著变化。
America's large external deficit could be sustained for years as Asian central banks kept their currencies cheap in order to foster export-led growth. 只要亚洲央行为促进出口引导的增长而继续压低其货币币值,美国巨大的外部赤字就能够持续多年。
America's love affair with the credit card began in 1949. 美国从1949年开始盛行使用信用卡。
America's low unemployment rate looks set to rise in the wake of the housing bust. 美国的低失业率看来注定要在房地产业不景气后上升。
America's markets attract the technophiles, China's lure the gold bugs. 美国市场吸引技术爱好者,中国则利用黄金股作诱饵。
America's military planners worry that China is using cyberspace not just for espionage but to prepare a future hot war, say over Taiwan. 美军的计划人员担心,中国不仅正在利用网络从事间谍活动,而且也在为未来的热战争——如对台动武——作准备。
America's national parks are endangered by polluted air. 描述:美国的国家公园正遭受着严重的空气污染。
America's national symbol, the bald eagle, almost went extinct twenty years ago, but it did made a comeback. 二十年前,象征美国的标志--秃头鹰几乎灭绝,但它的数量最终恢复,它又得以在这个国度再展雄姿。
America's openness to new technology conflicts with Europe's instinctive suspicion of genetically modified organisms, for example. 例如,美国对新技术的开放与欧洲对转基因生物固有的怀疑相冲突。
America's paranoia deepened as its jobless rate climbed—especially when the Japanese started buying landmarks like the Rockefeller Centre. 随着失业率攀升,美国的多疑症加剧——特别是当日本人开始购买诸如洛克菲勒中心这样的地标之时。
America's people and its government are responding decisively to the challenges of our changed world. 美国人民及其政府以坚定的信念迎接我们这个已经发生变化的世界所提出的挑战。

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