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You may go farther and fare worse.

You may get yourself into the air only to find yourself slowly arcing back to earth again. 你使自己进入空中时,你会发现自己在缓缓地重又落向地面。
You may give out, but never give up. 你可能已「无力」、「无气」,却永不可放弃。
You may go and visit Badaling, one segment of the spectacular Great Wall, the ImperialPalace, residence of the Ming and Qing emperors, and SummerPalace, an imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty. 您可以游览万里长城的一段--八达岭;明清两代皇帝居住的地方--故宫;清朝御花园--颐和园。
You may go boating with us or go swimming with Tom. 你可以和我们去划船或和汤姆去游泳。
You may go by land or (by) water. 你从陆路去或从水路去都可以。
You may go farther and fare worse. 一动不如一静。
You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend. 周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物。
You may go on a crusade together and jointly pursue shared interests with unusual intensity and dedication. 你们可能会一同来进行一场圣战(改革),一起以一种不寻常的强度和奉献精神追求共同的兴趣。
You may go online if you like (to) (go online). 你如果想上网就可以上网。
You may go or stay at pleasure. 你去留随意。
You may go or stay, according as you decide. 去还是留,由你来决定。

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