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Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not.

Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before. 伴随着信息量不断增长的是技术的发展,这些技术使得人们能够比过去以更快的速度往更多的地方储存和发送更多的信息,这在以前是不可能的。
Couples appreciate each other and enjoy mutual encouragement, especially in adversity, and some critical moments. We are more inspired by the energy and love from partners. 夫妻之间互相欣赏,互相激励,尤其是在逆境和一些关键时刻,来自伴侣的激励的能量远比想象的要强的多。
Couples earning deposits 40,000 1,000 8 how to achieve fiscal house plan? 夫妇月入8千存款4万如何理财实现再购房计划?
Couples in conflict-ridden marriages take longer than the happily married to heal from all kinds of wounds, from minor scrapes or athletic injuries to major surgery, suggests a study out over the weekend. 上周末公布的一项研究结果表明,如果夫妻二人的婚姻生活总是充斥着争吵和冲突,那么如果他们中有人受了外伤,不管是轻微擦伤、运动损伤还是大手术,伤口的愈合速度总要比婚姻幸福的人慢一些。
Couples who are very busy sometimes hire a wedding planner to help them with their preparations. 非常忙碌的夫妇有时会雇用一位婚礼筹划者来帮他们准备。
Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not. 同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。
Couples who have a good marriage and want it to be better. 已拥有美好婚姻,但希望它更好的夫妻。
Couples who place these ads assume that if a young woman attends an Ivy League school, then she will likely pass on her academic ability to her offspring. 刊登这则广告的夫妇认为,能读常春藤盟校的女生,很有可能将其在学术上的优秀能力遗传给后代。
Couplets on their gates to usher in a happy life in the coming year . 春节是中国农历的新年。家家贴对联,放鞭炮,庆贺在新的一年里生活幸福。
Coupling can happen at different places of the uplink and downlink channels. 上下行信道之间产生耦合的原因有多种,避雷设施的安装不当也是其中之一。
Coupling methane partial oxidation and carbon dioxide reforming is considered to have prospect towards industrialization. 认为耦合甲烷部分氧化与二氧化碳重整反应是有工业化前景的工艺。

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